How to convince a modest (kind of) dad to upgrade himself from a BMW/Maserati to a


May 13, 2008
Rolls Royce? My dad is a modest person that likes to hide the fact that he has money by getting average cars for the social class we live in (Beverly Hills)
I am VERY sick of seing my friends with their parents that own Rolls Royce, Bentlis, etc. and there I am, sitting with a Maserati and a BMW, which I know that it is a lot for most people, but it all depends in your surroundings.
The problem is, he thinks I am way too focused in material stuff. And he says my life is perfect ect etc etc.
Basically, I just need some guidance from all you marvelous people to make my dad get a Rolls Royce.

Extra Info about me:
-I AM a good student
-I LOVEEEE animals
-I play the piano
-I am materialist
-I have a good relationship with my dad
-My dad likes teaching me life lessons about money
-My dad wants me to stop caring about material stuff (I know I should, but I live in a Beverly Hills mansion with rich people surrounding me everywhere!)
YOU take YOUR money and buy your dad the car of YOUR choice. Maybe he'll let you drive it. Then, maybe not.
This sounds like something of a troll. Besides, Maserati is a perfectly respectable brand. It's highly prestigious, more so than the BMW. BMW has a reputation for being the chosen car for yuppies across America. I'd forgo the Rolls for a Bentley Continental though. Rolls is a bit too modest looking for me, and I like how Bentley actually embraces the idea of high luxury performance.

Your story doesn't add up though. If you live in a mansion in the Hills, and are always in the company of those people who have such showy cars, why exactly is your father trying to hide that he has money? Living in a mansion isn't exactly the best way to hide wealth. Nor is driving a Maserati (again,highly prestigious, I'm not sure what your problem is with them) and being in the company of people who own such opulent cars. They obviously know he has money. If I'm judging you incorrectly, my apologies, but as I said, this doesn't quite add up.