
  1. M

    How to convince a modest (kind of) dad to upgrade himself from a BMW/Maserati to a

    Rolls Royce? My dad is a modest person that likes to hide the fact that he has money by getting average cars for the social class we live in (Beverly Hills) I am VERY sick of seing my friends with their parents that own Rolls Royce, Bentlis, etc. and there I am, sitting with a Maserati and a...
  2. R

    LDS modest fashion show planning help??!!?

    Okay so for our ward on our personal progress day in Dec. our value is Virtue, and when we were talking about future activities a few weeks to a month ago I randomly suggested a modest fashion show. So I'm the Beehive president and on Sunday our YW prez told everyone that we will be in charge...
  3. A

    Juggernaut Index, 17-20: Modest plunder for Ragnar, Vikes

    </p> As most of you already know, the Juggernaut Index is our annual preseason ranking of NFL teams for fantasy purposes. Repeat: For FANTASY purposes. We're not interested in real-life winning percentages here. This is simply about yards, points, and draft positions. Please use responsibly...
  4. A

    I'm really a modest, role model, faithful christian..?

    who always aware of God's thoughts and will. When I was a kid, I asked God in my prayer to grand me wisdom. He granted me! I love my intuition, it keeps me sturdy, secure and sharp when I making decision in life. I never go completely lose control over lust/ personal agenda, my mind always on...
  5. T

    I need funny, and modest costume ideas for my school Sadie Hawkins dance! Any Ideas?

    My school's Sadie Hawkins dance is coming up this month, the theme for this year is "Jungle Fever"...My friends and I want to dress up in some kind of cool costume, but not spend too much money and so on. I need ideas and fast! Sadie Hawkins = a girls choice dance where you can dress up in...
  6. T

    Huge Rise In Imaging Scans In Emergency Departments, Modest Rise In Diagnoses

    Between 1998 and 2007 there was a huge rise in medical imaging scan usage in emergency departments of hospitals in the USA, but without a comparable rise in diagnoses of life-threatening conditions or illnesses, experts report in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical...
  7. T

    Women Attracted To Macho Men Much More Than To 'modest' Males

    The idea that a modern man who is modest and metrosexual has features women find attractive appears to be a myth, according to a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity. Researchers found that females see modesty and men's feminine side as a big...
  8. B

    Modest mouse song help?

    they had a song with an accordion in it and i quite liked it i just can't remember the name :P do you know? thanks :]
  9. T

    Researchers Find New Arrhythmia Drug Provides Only Modest Efficacy And No Clear Safet

    In a rigorous new review of the antiarrhythmic drug dronedarone (Multaq), researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute conclude that the controversial drug is only modestly effective and has no clear safety benefits. The review, to be published in the April 23 issue of the Journal of the...
  10. T

    Researchers Find New Arrhythmia Drug Provides Only Modest Efficacy And No Clear Safet

    In a rigorous new review of the antiarrhythmic drug dronedarone (Multaq), researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute conclude that the controversial drug is only modestly effective and has no clear safety benefits. The review, to be published in the April 23 issue of the Journal of the...
  11. T

    Platelet Function Tests May Provide Modest Benefit In Predicting Cardiac Outcomes

    An analysis of six tests that are used to measure platelet function and help gauge the effectiveness of antiplatelet drugs for patients undergoing a cardiac procedure such as a coronary stent implantation found that only three of the tests were associated with a modest ability to predict...
  12. W

    The Modest Proposal and the handmaid's tale?

    and handmaid's tale. Why does Atwood use a quote from the modest proposal as her epigraph? i'd also like a good website that mught help me with this work! thanks! I need help please thank you!:)
  13. C

    Does anyone know if the Modest Mouse concert in Hollywood sold out?

    I went on Live Nation to purchase them but the window that is suppose to show the number of tickets just keeps loading. They just went on sale yesterday. I hope they have not sold out
  14. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now.</img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>
  15. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now.</img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>
  16. G

    Microsoft announces job cuts and modest revenue growth

    Microsoft will eliminate up to 5,000 jobs in R&D, marketing, sales, finance, legal, HR, and IT over the next 18 months, including 1,400 jobs now. </img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>