How Full Metal Alchemist and FTA brotherhood relate?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Is one of them a sequel to the other plot wise, or are they intertwined, or two separate things. I have watched FTA brotherhood but before starting with the other series I want to know if it is actually worth it as well. So want I want to know: How the plots relate, How the quality relates.
Gah, sorry FMA*. Stupid mistake there. Also thanks for the answers people, that cleared it up for me :)
They are separate things and are independent of each other. Personally, I enjoyed FMAB more than FMA. FMAB is more faithful to the manga and has better art (imo). FMA has a different conclusion from the original plot.
Brotherhood is basically the manga in anime form, the first Full metal anime starts of like brotherhood, but very close to the beginning goes with a whole different plot, it's amazing though, it's plot is unique, and interesting, totally worth the watch, i've watched them both, and read the manga, all worth it, love them all