
  1. CactusFreak

    How do the teachings of Socrates and Confucius relate to a modern day event or trend?

    I am trying to write a paper on the above and find myself all over the place. I am somewhat confused. I was perhaps trying to relate it to gun control or the welfare drug testing controversies. Any other ideas or thoughts ?
  2. U

    So how can all this relate to misplaced affiliate product sales

    | Winter season is one of the gratifying seasons from the calendar year. It is where by men and women could participate in with snow, make snowballs, throw them up together together with your young ones or your mates and in many cases internet site in front of the bonfire when possessing...
  3. C

    How Full Metal Alchemist and FTA brotherhood relate?

    Is one of them a sequel to the other plot wise, or are they intertwined, or two separate things. I have watched FTA brotherhood but before starting with the other series I want to know if it is actually worth it as well. So want I want to know: How the plots relate, How the quality relates. Gah...
  4. G

    How would you relate the genre Fantasy to a literary movement of the past?

    like Romanticism, symbolism, transcendentalism .....etc....and if i do compare let's take Eragon for example - how would i relate that to any of the these movements under the genre of Fantasy to any of these movements??? literature people please help me! i have to do a research paper! and i dont...
  5. A

    How many of you girls can relate with this funny pic?

    I can sooo relate to this!!! hehehe
  6. C

    How does science presupposing absolute truth relate to absolute moral truth?

    If science doesn't assume there are absolute laws or truths in the universe that can be known then what could one hope to learn from science, since we couldn't know anything with certainty? Likewise, if morality did not presuppose any absolute truths then how could one know what is moral? Since...
  7. A

    How do Baroque composers relate music to their lyrics?

    Could you give some examples of how they do it, what works and composers please? :)
  8. C

    What kind of "planetary" humor do you relate to the best?

    SUN: Childlike innocent fun and entertainment at its finest! also rules staged humor and sitcoms. MERCURY: Is the original prankster! it's the funniest of the planets. simple and fast verbal jokes that are easily understood. light humor,pranks jokes you receive as text and so forth. VENUS...
  9. N

    how does ___________ relate to judaism?

    soteriology cosmology metaphysics
  10. R

    What is a good food that I can relate to The Crucible book?

    For a school project on The Crucible, I wanted to bring in food. But I can't figure out what I could bring that would relate to the book! Any suggestions would be great! Thanks :)
  11. M

    How Does Good Will Hunting relate to Gardner's multiple intelligence theory?

    I need to know the intelligence of Will Hunting, Sean Maguire and Gerry Lambeau
  12. T

    The Way You Relate To Your Partner Can Affect Your Long-Term Mental And Physical Heal

    The potentially lasting implications of day-to-day couple conflict on physical and mental well-being are revealed in a study published in the journal Personal Relationships. Until now research has concentrated on the immediate effects of romantic conflict, typically in controlled laboratory...
  13. R

    Poll: What celebrity could you really relate to?

    I'm 15 and Black I think I'd be the Guy Version but black of Britney Spears because I done some pretty stupid and bizarre things in my. The things we done aren't similar. Like I got stuck in a bay swing and had to get cut out, accidentally burned down an apartment when I was 5 years old, and...
  14. J

    Any iPad apps that relate to trigonometry?

    we have an ipad lab and my teacher wants to do something with them for a trigonometry class... what are some apps we could use for a fun "educational experience"?
  15. J

    How does this poem relate to "To Kill A Mockingbird"?

    I’m stepping out, don’t mess about. Don’t tell me to be patient. I’ve been wedded, enslaved, white washed, and saved, But now, I’m liberated. I’ve been patted, and moulded, and shaped, and scolded And I learned real fast how to please ‘em, I ‘Yessir’ed, and ‘No Ma’am’ed, I was cursed and...
  16. T

    Songs that relate to holden caufield?

    I need 2 more songs that relate to holden caulfield in catch and the rye.
  17. R

    Would we relate sex and love if the bible didn't?

    If the bible never said that sex was something for married people or people in love, would the two still go hand in hand?
  18. P

    Really need to vent can any one relate ttc?

    Well its day 6 of late af, i woke up this morning to burning nipples sorry if tmi... Mre my husband and i made love lst night, and he commented tht i ws extra wet... I have been feeling this extra wet sensation for about a week now...still bfns on day 3 and 4 of missed period... I dnt...
  19. P

    Really need to vent can any one relate ttc?

    Well its day 6 of late af, i woke up this morning to burning nipples sorry if tmi... Mre my husband and i made love lst night, and he commented tht i ws extra wet... I have been feeling this extra wet sensation for about a week now...still bfns on day 3 and 4 of missed period... I dnt...
  20. Z

    How Do Islam, Judaism, and Christianity relate?

    please Get in to detail if possible. =) Thank You!