How do you write a characters dialogue if he or she pauses a lot between


New member
Jul 1, 2010
sentences and sometimes words? Would you need to have the '. . .' every time she or he pauses? Could you just mention that the character stops and thinks before continuing on? Thanks!!
I would put "[pause]" where he/she needs to pause. In scripts at school, that's what was done for us.
use both, or it'd bore readers to see...the...ellipse...every...time...a...person...speaks
'so yeah,' i paused 'use both'
lol :)
sometimes do '. . .' but don't repeat it a lot.
if you do it more than three times - stop - and do she or he paused, and then: whatever the character was going to say.
:') x
... works. try - or even ..." she fidgeted around and continued. "
carefully injecting thoughtfullness may work but will have to be done well. don't just say it, have her prove it, a couple of times in seemingly small, insignificant ways before going on to bigger things.
Yeah,that'll be correct.
You could just add dots on the end of his speech and then mention that he starts thinking,or suddenly had a flashback and is lost somewhere else xD
I would recommend doing both just for some variety. I usually the "..." for shorter pauses and a "she went quiet for a moment as she gathered her thoughts" type phrase for longer pauses.