How do I stop my dog from chewing?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I have a mini poodle mix female dog and she's almost 2 years old. So, I realize she may still be in the puppy stage. I have purchase several chew toys for her, pig ears, bones...etc. She chews things like the baby's bottles, my children's clothing, stuff in the trash, kid's toys..etc. She always has food and water readily available. What should I do?? She's pretty much in indoor dog and she uses a doggy door. She also tends to poop inside the kid's room or in the living room. Maybe she's jealous of the kids?? Help please!!
At 2 years of age a dog is considered to be an adult.
You need to keep the things she is not allowed to chew out of her reach. Dogs are opportunists so best if you don't leave stuff she shouldn't have lying around.
Put the trash where she can't get to it.
Keep the kids toys in a box with a lid and teach the kids to put their toys in the box.

If she is still pooping inside she hasn't been totally house trained. She can smell where she went before and thinks it's an ok place to poop. An enzyme cleaner will get rid of the smell. You probably can't smell it but she can.
Obedience training would be a good idea if you can take her to classes.