how do i get my dog to stop whining?


New member
Jun 17, 2012
a little back story. i got my dog 2 years ago when my ex & i were together. we had the dog about a year before we broke up, i moved out & my pup & i moved into my parent's house. this was a year ago, so the dog is now 2. the dog was amazing at my parent's house. never really whined, only barked when she had to go out, etc. she mostly just laid around & was pretty good. (this may be because she saw my dad as the "dominate" one.)

now i moved out on my own & she does nothing but WHINE. all day, all night. whenever i let her outside to go to the bathroom (to hopefully stop the whining) all she does is bark at nothing. it drives me crazy & it's beginning to make me wonder if my landlord is getting fed up. the last thing i need is to get kicked out of my apartment. when i get home late from work (midnight, 1am) she has to go to the bathroom but when i let her out, she wakes everyone up on the block. i can't win!