How can I teach my dog not to run directly infront of my quad/snowmobile?


May 11, 2008
I have an eight month old lab and she loves go for runs behind the snowmobile. Or in the summer/fall it was behind the quad. But ever since day one the damn dog just tries to be in the lead. I've already run her over once and I don't want it to happen again. She's good once she's behind the machine but once I slow down she darts infront again. Same thing with cars she just has to try and stop them from going anywhere.
How can I train her to stop this
My dog learned when I ran him over. The one day he forgot and almost got hit again! So I thought about it, and running is like a superfast walking, right? So just like we teach our dogs to walk beside us and not pull or lag behind, we have to teach them to run the same way. My suggestion is to going slow on your quad/snowmobile and keep steady while she jogs or does a slow run beside you. Make sure she doesn;t go in front and correct her the way you would if you were walking her. I do short little tugs. I shorten the leash so that the dog is at his closeset without being harmed, then I give it an extra 2 inches. When he pulls ahead, I give a little tug so he's next to me again. I will never let him choke himself, because I see dogs pull until they are wheezing, but they never "snap out of it". I do many short tugs (one or 2 tugs per second) until he is beside me again. I just keep doing that and eventually he learned. Took a few days and until he learned, I never went full speed so he didn;t have a chance to forget what we learned yet.