How do can you deal with a customer who rants about their political beliefs?


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Especially if they want YOUR input on the topic? I'm cashier at a grocery store and I ALWAYS have this man come in my line. Every single time (he has a very long order btw) he whines about "liberals" and Democrats, whatever. Then he's always like, "That's hope and change for ya!" And whines about Obama. He also uses worse like "f*ggot", and even though I'm not gay, it offends me.

Then he asks for MY opinion on things. It is just so awkward and I can't stand it.

It DID happen Videll. You really think customers are angels?
How about this, "I was warned if I was ever caught holding up my line discussing religion or politics with a customer I'd get fired and these registers I swear have ears so I don't dare talk about it."
i'm sure it happen more than you are letting on actually - but maybe not as strongly as this guy. when he uses the term f*ggot look at him quizzically and say..... do you mean a bundle or sticks or cigarette adn see his reaction -- that's what it used to mean ;) sadly you can't do that much as in CS we are stuck with the "customer is always right" aproach. many MANY people are distraugt about the present administration just like others were about the previous and the one before. let him rant, it's his right. when he askes your opinion tell him that you are thankful you aren't in his position as just like with the previous administration -- nothing is ever what anyone truly hopes when they are dealing with politicians. i'm in hotels and get it a lot too. i will usually smile and say something about how the president can only do what congress and the house allow so hopefully they will start working together. even though i don't like the presidents politics - he is my president as an American.
I used to get customers like this, just tell them that you don't discuss religion or politics, they should leave you alone after that. If all else fails, just say you are a jehovah's witness.
Well, for starters - I'd let my boss know. Not that your boss can *do* anything - but just in case the guy gets belligerant, and makes trouble for you. A pre-emptive strike, if you will.

What to say? Well, if it were me - I would do my very best not to engage him. This guy doesn't want a discussion, he wants you to agree with him. So when you don't, well. . . the fact that he subjects you to his opinions without the slightest provocation tells me he's not the most grounded fellow. Some people get really, *really* worked up about this stuff - so I guess I'd just smile, nod if he is waiting for some acknowledgement, and do your best to get him the hell out of your line as quickly as you can.

Or if you get sick of it - you could just tell him you don't agree with what he is saying, but that since you are wokring, it's not the right time for a political debate.

But be careful, girl. People are crazy - and he obviously likes you, since you're his target. Just be careful, be safe.
Yeah, My dad used to do that to cashiers. It was so embarrassing.
IDK, political views should be kept private. Nobody should have to defend their view if they are not in a location where they are allowed to speak freely. If you are at work, it doesn't matter if you agree with him or not, it's not really appropriate for you to discuss it there. People should not take advantage of those who cannot speak.
I also hate when celebrities start talking politics on awards shows. You are not allowed to "boo" at an awards show, so all you hear is applause, no matter how ridiculous their statement is.

On the other hand, he might like you, or be really attracted to you. When people are shy, it's easier for them to engage in discussions of subjects they are really into. This way he can talk to you without stuttering or obviously showing interest.