How did the survivors in the first final destination die(in order and in the


New member
Apr 9, 2011
premonition)? So how did like
Alex Browning

Clear Rivers

Carter Horton

Valerie Lewton

(as Chad E. Donella) Tod Waggner

Billy Hitchcock

Terry Chaney

How did they die?

In the premonition in the movie?
I watched it but I didnt see Alex death and so on
I mean like the survivors that got off liek how I think Tod slipped and got stranger by the line by the shower. Like that kind of thing I know clear died in the second movie from going into a room with a gas leak and then electrical fire and burned and died.

Idk what balled to Alex though in the second movie it kinda says killed by(then it was blank so what was it? How was he killed? And his friends)

And bonus question: did miss lewton have a daughter/son? What was his or her name?
in his dream it didn't show each alex's face kinda melted then he woke up but each of the others was mostly likely either they got sucked out or where killed in the explosion