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    New Strategies Needed To Encourage Male Cancer Survivors To Consider Future Fertility

    Pioneering research presented at the Fertility 2013 conference recently shows that a large proportion of male cancer patients are missing out on appropriate fertility advice. Sperm banking is routinely recommended for all men diagnosed with cancer who are at risk of long-term infertility, caused...
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    Survivors of Sexual Abuse - Part 2 - Dec 16,2012

    THIS WEEK: Part 2 of my conversation from last week where I spoke with two sisters who were both sexually abused by a family member who also happens to be a Pastor. This week, we touch on healing from sexual abuse, dealing with other family members, and spiritual health. You wont want to miss...
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    Survivors Of Certain Cancers Reported Poor Health-Related Quality Of Life Years After

    Melanoma, breast and prostate cancer survivors reported quality of life similar to adults without cancer. Cervical, blood, colorectal and short-survival cancer survivors reported worse health compared to adults without cancer. The researchers estimated 3.3 million American cancer survivors have...
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    Young Cancer Survivors Often Forgo Medical Care Due To Costs

    Many survivors of adolescent and young adult cancers avoid routine medical care because it's too expensive, despite the fact that most have health insurance. That is the conclusion of a new study published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. The...
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    Uncertain About Health Outcomes, Male Stroke Survivors More Likely To Suffer Depressi

    Post-stroke depression is a major issue affecting approximately 33% of stroke survivors. A new study published in the current issue of Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation reports that the level to which survivors are uncertain about the outcome of their illness is strongly linked to...
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    Stroke Survivors' Balance May Improve With Yoga

    Group yoga can improve balance in stroke survivors who no longer receive rehabilitative care, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal /iStroke. In a small pilot study, researchers tested the potential benefits of yoga among chronic stroke survivors - those whose...
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    Breast Cancer Survivors Need To Let Go To Boost Quality Of Life

    Most people go through life setting goals for themselves. But what happens when a life-altering experience makes those goals become unachievable or even unhealthy? A new collaborative study published in Psycho-Oncology by Carsten Wrosch of Concordia University's Department of Psychology and...
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    Survivors Of Breast Cancer Suffer Treatment-Related Side Effects Long After Completin

    More than 60 percent of breast cancer survivors report at least one treatment-related complication even six years after their diagnosis, according to a new study led by a researcher from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The findings are part of a special issue...
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    Aspirin Is Underused By Stroke Survivors

    NEW ORLEANS - Roughly 40% of patients who survive a stroke do not take aspirin on a daily basis, despite established guidelines that recommend its use for secondary prevention in this population, investigators announced at the 2012 International Stroke Conference. Dr. John G. Fort, Chief...
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    Childhood Cancer Survivors' Exposure To Chemotherapy, Radiation Does Not Increase Ris

    A large, retrospective study shows that children of childhood cancer survivors who received prior treatment involving radiation to testes or ovaries and/or chemotherapy with alkylating agents do not have an increased risk for birth defects compared to children of survivors who did not have such...
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    MU Researchers Recommend Exercise For Breast Cancer Survivors, Lymphedema Patients

    Lymphedema, a chronic swelling condition common in breast cancer survivors, affects three million people in the U.S. In the past, most people believed that exercise might induce or worsen lymphedema. After reviewing the literature, University of Missouri researchers say the benefits of exercise...
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    'Healthy For The Holidays' 10 Tips For Cancer Survivors

    Surviving the holidays with one's waistline, bank account and sanity intact can be challenging for everyone, but the season affords specific pitfalls and opportunities for cancer survivors who are mindful of staying healthy throughout the season and beyond. One in 20 adults in the U.S. is a...
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    Stem Cell Study Helps Clarify The Best Time For Therapy To Aid Heart Attack Survivors

    A research network led by a Mayo Clinic physician found that stem cells obtained from bone marrow delivered two to three weeks after a person has a heart attack did not improve heart function. This is the first study to systematically examine the timing and method of stem cell delivery and...
  14. P

    How did the survivors in the first final destination die(in order and in the

    premonition)? So how did like Alex Browning Clear Rivers Carter Horton Valerie Lewton (as Chad E. Donella) Tod Waggner Billy Hitchcock Terry Chaney How did they die? In the premonition in the movie? I watched it but I didnt see Alex death and so on I mean like the survivors that...
  15. P

    How did the survivors in the first final destination die(in order and in the

    premonition)? So how did like Alex Browning Clear Rivers Carter Horton Valerie Lewton (as Chad E. Donella) Tod Waggner Billy Hitchcock Terry Chaney How did they die? In the premonition in the movie? I watched it but I didnt see Alex death and so on
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    Almost Half Of Cancer Survivors Have Ill Health In Later Years

    Forty-five per cent of cancer survivors in Northern Ireland suffer from physical and mental health problems years after their treatment has finished, according to new research from Macmillan Cancer Support and Queen's University Belfast. The report, the first of its kind in Northern Ireland...
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    Improving The Workplace For Breast Cancer Survivors

    In a paper to be presented at the upcoming HFES 55th Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, human factors/ergonomics researchers will describe WISE, a Web-based tool for breast cancer survivors designed to reduce work disabilities and improve employment outcomes. Those who have beaten breast...
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    Japanese Quake Survivors Have Returned $78 Million In Recovered Cash [Hope]

    It's now time for a story that restores your faith in mankind, even if it means going all the way to Japan to find it: In the five months since that country's devastating quake and tsunami, almost $78 million in cash has been found amongst the wreckage and turned in. The money was recovered from...
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    Childhood Cancer Survivors In Poor Health At Greater Risk For Unemployment In Adultho

    Childhood cancer survivors with poor physical health and neurocognitive deficits are more likely to be unemployed or work part-time in adulthood, according to a study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Research to...
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    lol survivors a game in America?

    i feel bad for poor african kids who actually have to survive