How can I fix hunger pains without eating?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Im 20 years old and I weigh 97lbs. I live in an apartment which I can bearly afford so I bearly have any food in my place. I eat about once a day sometimes if that. I have hunger pains so bad but no money for fast food and nothing but mac and cheese which you need milk and butter for and I have neither.

So how can I get rid of my hunger pains without having food in my body?
I would ask my neighbors for money but they are all assholes and there are no pizza places open at 4:30am.

I dont know what your talking about with you loosing wight but that dosent help me right now. Crazy.

I would drink water but I havent drank water in over a year.
Also I have no milk, bread, eggs or anything like that. I was serious when I said I only have like one box of mac and cheese.
awww :( , if you lived where I lived tho, I would make you food everyday, like no jokes, I would actually do it, but umm even though in my house there is allot of food pretty much, but umm my suggestion is that, you can eat something that makes you loose appetite, like one of those nutella chocolate that you put on bread and you eat, buy one of those and everytime your hungry just put one spoon of that in your mouth and your good for 3 hours :), I'm a guy and 2 spoons of that sets me up for half of a day, I dont know maybe that was a bad example but if you cant afford food then buy something that makes you loose appetite :), sorry if my answer didnt help, I hope soon you get more money and be able to eat :(, sleeping also makes the time go faster
well you could drink water, that will put something in your stomach, but that is not good that you are not eating, can make you sic by making your body unable to fight off sickness, If i were you I would try to find a governemt assisting plan that will help you get food.
this sounds like a rather serious problem. i have sometimes been in the very same situation and i know how hard it is. what you need to do is drink some milk. the fat content will give your body some energy. if you can, buy some bread and some fruit, they're not too expensive. you don;t need to be buying fast food, it does your body no good at all. in the long term, i would look for a job that pays more, or find a different place that's not bleeding you dry. if you stay in this situation, things will only get worse. please eat something, your body needs it, hunger pain is your body pleading for food. there is no way around it!

good luck
well you could drink water, that will put something in your stomach, but that is not good that you are not eating, can make you sic by making your body unable to fight off sickness, If i were you I would try to find a governemt assisting plan that will help you get food.