
  1. M

    Traveling back and upper body pains that feel like hunger?

    I just ate not long ago...
  2. R

    shooting pains up my back into my head?

    i had a baby 3 days ago, my 4th so im under no illusions i would bounce back, but this pain is awful! i had a pretty traunmatic labour lasting 3 days with active labour lasting only 9 minutes. all my contractions were felt in my back. since having him though my back has been very painful still...
  3. A

    Stomach Pains before ACT and test and quizzes?

    I am a 16 year old girl and I did not use to have stomach pains past years before a test or quiz or something I know is important. But all of a sudden my junior year I get these stomach pains where I have to go to the bathroom or I might accidentally fart or embarrass myself really bad in the...
  4. A

    Want To Help Your Lower Back Pains Subside? Add This Easy Exercise To Your Week

    We all know that exercise is just plain good for us: it promotes good health, regulates our body weight, assists our sleep cycle and keeps us feeling overall happier. Nevertheless, it's always great to find out specific actions can help specific issues. In this case, it's one that millions face...
  5. A

    Vaginal Pains, is this a sign of my first period? Please help!?

    I just turned 13 and lately I have been having random vaginal pains, what is this? I have never had my period before. Also I'm around 5'4, and recently gained a lot of unintentional weight so I am now 130! :( I have pubic hair, armpit, crazy amounts of discharge, bloating, mood swings, cramps...
  6. B

    I tripped and fell yesterday in really high shoes now ankle is getting sharp pains?

    It was yesterday that i fell I kind of twisted my ankle nothing too bad... but today it is sore and I keep getting sparatic super sharp pains in my ankle... has anyone experienced this?
  7. S

    sharp random pains under my chest?

    ive been sick this past week. I have been coughing a little but not to much. For the past couple of days ill get like 6 sharp pains a mintue apart from eachother underneath my breasts. It happens randomly threw out the day. Im thinking that maybe my abdomen is brusied somewhere. I thought it...
  8. T

    Mortality Risk In Patients With Chest Pains Increased By Prior Hospitalization For Me

    New research from Scotland has shown that the rate of death in men and women hospitalised for chest pain unrelated to heart disease is higher in those with a history of psychiatric illness than without... More...
  9. H

    I keep getting Sharp Chest Pains?

    Im 13 (nearly 14) I keep getting Sharp Pains in my chest, mostly in my left side of my chest. It comes and goes, but when it comes it's painful. I sometimes have back/neck pains as well as the occasional stomach ache. My arms feel tired and my shoulders go stiff. I was reading somewhere that it...
  10. F

    Stomach burning, sharp pains, bathroom every 3 hours or so... Please help me.?

    Okay starting 3 days ago, I began having very bad diarrhea. But it's not the kind I usually get. My stomach burns like crazy, I am nauseous, have sharp pains not only in my stomach, but in top part of my back on the right hand side, About 15 minutes after I get these pains, I have to go to the...
  11. S

    Eating a large meal and then waking up with stomach pains and feeling nauseous?

    Well, this has happened twice in the past fortnight, and is unpleasant. I ate a large meal with fish (tuna and cod in specific) in it, and deliberately waited about 3 hours before going to sleep to digest. But, on both occassions, I woke up around 5am with an uncomfortable acidic feeling in my...
  12. G

    The View Atop the Googleplex: Growing Pains, Google Music, and Nerd Fights [Google]

    There's a lot to absorb in Businessweek's massive look at the top of Google's executive food chain. But the juicy bits are extra-juicy. More »
  13. M

    Sharp pains in thigh?

    Okay, so i am a cheerleader and my right leg is longer than the other one and i have had pains in my right knee before. i went to the doctor about it and they gave me a brace. but recently everytime i would do a jump i would get a pain in my right thigh ( that would last a few minutes). thursday...
  14. H

    I need help with gas pains?

    For some reason I've been getting gas pains alot lately where it's alot of air buildup. I haven't changed my diet or anything just that I've been really stressed out lately. Could that effect gas buildup? I can feel it move all around and sometimes the pain is so excruciating I cannot sleep. I...
  15. T

    Fighting Through The Pains Of Violence

    Although the majority of violent relationships are not reported, nearly 23,000 incidents of dating violence occurred in 2008, according to Statistics Canada. Whether it's through a partner, family member, friend or co-worker, most Canadians are confronted with violence at some point in their...
  16. K

    Royal Pains season 2 torrent?

    Where can i get to download royal pains season 2.Till now in season 2 12 episodes have come and i want to download them.Where can i get them.And i dont want separate torrent for each episode i want all season 2 episodes together!
  17. Jordan

    My girlfriend just missed her period and is complaining about stomach pains?

    My girlfriend is 17 and I'm 18. Shes about 15 days past her period and she is complaining about stomach pains. But she doesn't have a lot of the symptoms of pregnancy. I thought it was just because we have been very sexual active lately and maby her system is just not use to that. We haven't had...
  18. W

    Why do I have chest pains?

    I woke up wednesday morning with what I thought was swollen glands went to doc on thursday morning. Now I had no pain at all. She told me I had an infection to bad tooth but like said i had no pain.Havent had toothache in months.. SO she put me on amoxicillian. Now Friday night about 12:30a I...
  19. G

    NEED HELPP PLEASE!! Period pains?

    any other ways to stop period pains without using tabelts or hot waterbottle?
  20. M

    Girls need to stop complaining about period pains and giving birth.....?

    Girls always b i t ch about how they have to give birth and have period pains, when neither is as painful or as uncomfortable as a b o n e r in jeans. Until you have a b o n e r in jeans you've never felt pain, and you don't have any right to complain.