hey guys, i have just begun going to gym but my gym has no instructor. So, I need


Jun 3, 2008
some advice. Please help? I can't spend much on my gym membership as I am from poor family. The gym I go to has very good facilities but no trainer. So I need to depend on the advice of others in the gym. I can understand that for the first few weeks I need to do free-hand exercises before I start lifting weights. But how long should I stick to free-hand? Please only those who are into body building answer. I don't want any wrong advice and injure my body unnecessarily.
see i am not a gym instructor but i can advice you few tips which can help you
http://hotwinds.net/tips-what-to-do-before-exercise/ read these tips it will help you
and you can also find many websites in google where you can get many tips