HELP with FSANZ nutrition panel calculator!?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I'm sorry to bother anyone, but I really need help with trying to make a nutrition panel for my homemade jam and cupcakes. This is a requirement for my food technology folio which is due on friday. I was wondering if anyone knows how to write this up, etc?

The link is this:

and my recipes are these:

1.Strawberry jam
1 litre prepared strawberries (600 grams)
3 cups sugar
Juice of 1 lemon or ½ teaspoon tartaric or citric acid

Collect ingredients.
Remove calyx from strawberries
Place fruit and sugar in pan and stir until boiling. Cook rapidly for 3 minutes
Add acid and boil for another 5 minutes
Remove from heat and allow to become almost cold before bottling. This helps to prevent fruit from rising in the syrup when jam is cold.
Cover and label.

2.Skull Cupcakes
¼ cup (60 grams) butter
¼ cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
3 drops of vanilla essence
3 tablespoons milk
1 cup of self raising flour

Preheat oven to 200°C
Collect ingredients.
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and essence, mix well.
Add flour and milk alternately, one third at a time. Stir gently and thoroughly.
Place mixture in pans, half-filling each one. Bake 12-15 minutes.
Cool in pans for 2 minutes, and then lift on to cake cooler.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!
I am sorry if this causes any inconvience!

Thank you!
Oh the only way I can think of for creating nutritional information for your food is to find the nutrition facts for each ingredient and then find out how much of that you used (keep serving sizes in mind like if you used 1/2 cup butter and butter has 100 calories per tablespoon.... then really that's 800 calories because there are 8 tablespoons in 1/2 cup - this value is merely an example and should not reflect the actual caloric content of butter) and add them all together. Then you need to find a serving size for a cupcake (probably 1) and divide the total calories of all the ingredients you've used by the number of cupcakes you made. Like if all the ingredients in the jam was 300 and then the batter 900, then add those together (so 1200) and then divide by the number of cupcakes you made (so if you made 12 cupcakes, then each has 100 Calories).

Some ingredients might not have nutrition facts though. And there might be some loss during baking and boiling...

This is not the easiest way though. Sorry I couldn't think of a more efficient method.