Help Please With Fashion? I'm lit. a walking Fashion- Don't! :)?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I love clothes but I'm oblivious to the absolute prettiest ones. I'm on a budget so I would totally appreciate if you could send websites of cutte clothes from walmart, target, khols, old navy, maybe even jc penny's. I'm into preppy clothes while I'm kinda leaning towards this new look: preppy meets emo, ya know? But I kinda like preppy more!

I'm not allowed to wear straps, halter tops, tops and dresses must be 2 inches above chest area- parents rule! Um... skirts: halfway between ankles and knees- again parents rule. No tight or skinny jeans- Parents!!!

That's basically it!!

Um.. I look really nice in torqouise, salmon, WHITE!!!, purple, gray, light green, and sky blue, navy and BLACK!!!

i appreciate all answers!

Plz include, dresses, tops, half sweaters, jeans, skirts (READ RULES), and acc. from walmart, target, khols, and old navy!!!

I menat if you can go to the website of WALMART, TARGET, KHOLS, OR OLD NAVY, OR EVEN JCPENNY and find some outfits that would totally match my style of colors and taste- that would be terrific!