Help my ears keep popping?

I'm not precisely sure what they are called, but you can get some paper strips that you put just into your ear, and light one will pull the excess wax and such out of your ear, and probably can help with this. Otherwise, head to the doctor, you might have an ear infection.
chew gum it help with ear popping. but go to your doctor and he can check to see whats causing this to happen to you..
You could try some ear drops for removing water from the ears but its expensive and probably wont work (didnt for me). Its the wax that is popping and the water has got stuck behind. If its still there after a few days, phone the doctors for an appointment with the Nurse and get your ears syringed. It not unpleasant - its done with warm water and the difference once the wax has popped out is amazing!!
It's called equalization of air pressure.
You can try to shake your head, or even bend down, with head between your ears and see if the moisture inside, that is blocking equalization of air, can be released, or drained.

Sort of like getting catsup out of a bottle, when the air cannot get in, draining is slowed.
You can also just wait for ears to dry out, they are probably dry now.

But, worse, you could have an infection that is causing puss to develop, or some draining of fluids in inner ear.
It your ears continue to have this problem longer than 5-6 hrs, I'd call an "ear" specialist.
The simple answer is that you sound like your ears are congested. An over-the-counter decongestant should take care of it temporarily. If it continues to be a problem, you will need to see a doctor. It could be an infection, or TMJ, or some other issue that will require professional help.
Open your mouth and stretch it as much as you can and swallow, then repeat the process over and over.. If the swallowing doesn't help, then just open it really really wide and stretch it over and over. Were you on a plane recently? Something to cause lots of air pressure, or in a pool..?