Help me identify the name of this book? (SCI-FI, ROBOT BOOK)?


New member
May 6, 2013
Don't know what the book is called or who the author is. Here is the plot I can sum up/remember:
Somewhere in the future, robots are mistreated because they aren't sentient, so these two people create a robot, programmed to be fully sentient to oppose the way humans treat the robot.
Basically, the purpose of this robot that these two people created was to prove that robots can be sentient, and shouldn't be mistreated the way they are. But when they finished making the robot, they went missing and the robot lived it's life thinking it was human, and when she tried to find out why her parents went missing, she found out she was a robot. At this point, humans were chasing after her to take her into custody.

The cover of the book looks like the cover of "Mila 2.0" by Debra Driza, but the lightning is more purple and the girl has glasses, without the face distortion.
The book also had some trivia at the end of it that showed the similarities between the book's plot and the history of slavery in America. Any ideas??