He hasnt contacted me for 4 days....am i right to assume hes not interested anymore?


Jun 10, 2008
So there's this guy. We been seen each other a month and a bit. But recently he's been all distant like. For example he used to tell me good morning and good night everyday, and call me like 5 times a day and now we barely even text everyday.

It was my bday a few days ago and he sent me a msg at midnight, with a little poem attached and called me the moment he knew I was awake and wanted to know if his was the first birthday greeting I received said he wished all my dreams and wishes came true and that we get to spend loads of time together.

But I tried make plans to see him that afternoon, and the next and he just blew me off saying he was busy with work and things were hectic. Maybe he is busy with work cause its his first week back. He said let's look at next week instead.... I don't know what's he doing the weekend...

A few days before that we had like a 2 minute chat and he said he knew one of my biggest problems right now was work and i was all stressed about that.

he still calls me "my baby" when he does text?

What's ur opinion on this situation ? I should add he's like 10 yrs older than me

Ok he started acting distant like a week ago He was on holiday and sent me a text to say he thinks I'm totally sexy and he's super attracted to me. And I replied I'm super attracted to him too. But then we didn't chat the next day. So he wanted to know if I always play hard to get after been complimented. So I said he thinks I'm a Skank. Cause every message has a sexual incornation

Whats confusing is... why did he say he hopes i make loads of time for him this year. When I havent heard from him much at all after my birthday? Was he just pretending to make my birthday special without meaning it?