
  1. T

    He hasnt contacted me for 4 i right to assume hes not interested anymore?

    So there's this guy. We been seen each other a month and a bit. But recently he's been all distant like. For example he used to tell me good morning and good night everyday, and call me like 5 times a day and now we barely even text everyday. It was my bday a few days ago and he sent me a msg...
  2. T

    He hasnt contacted me for 4 i right to assume hes not interested anymore?

    So there's this guy. We been seen each other a month and a bit. But recently he's been all distant like. For example he used to tell me good morning and good night everyday, and call me like 5 times a day and now we barely even text everyday. It was my bday a few days ago and he sent me a msg...
  3. D

    Do people assume you're more serious than you actually are lol?

    Just wanna hear if others are like me: When you first meet me, I'm cautious. So it can be mistaken for being serious. Also, if I'm not laughing, I'm DEAD serious. I'm socially bipolar like that. So often, many ppl have mistakenly written me off as an overly serious, mopey person. But once...
  4. R

    Is it logical to assume a position of non-belief on god or is it just a...

    ...prediction like a prophet would use? If you state that you do not believe in god because you have no proof is the reverse any more logical? Is that a definitive reason for a non-belief or belief or are both just an argument from ignorance (Draws a conclusion based on lack of knowledge or...
  5. G

    Is it safe to assume tea caused the british's teeth to go bad?

    after all. They asume we eat nothing but burgers and thats how we are fat
  6. P

    If a girl claims rape but alcohol was involved it's safe to assume that

    she is just lying? She is obviously lying to protect her image and just regrets it. It makes no sense that a girl would drink and go home with someone who she does not intend to sleep with. Should cases where the girl willfully goes home with the "rapist" in question just be automatically thrown...
  7. A

    Assume you have a bond semiannual interest payment of $35 par value 1000

    and current market price of $780, wha? What is the current yield of the bond? I will give u 10 pts. ... i did it and i got 10.57% but i think its wrong.can u help me thx.
  8. L

    Why do people who immigrate to America simply assume that they will be welcomed here

    ? Yeah, Yeah, “Bigot”, “Racist” all the Politically Correct watchwords, I can see it now. But, lest you forget, many of the founders of America would now be labeled with these same “P.C.” terms: Bigot, Racist, Slaveholder. So, as to my Question: WHY??? For instance, I would like to “invade”...
  9. O

    Is it safe to assume that with current technology, all future elections...

    ...will be Hacked by the highest bidder? What ever Candidate has the most ca$h will control the election process Not much different than previous elections, just more obvious
  10. J

    Assume that Becky is abusing her employee priviledge. Discuss & apply the 3

    different ethical views to this si? Discuss & apply the 3 different ethical views to this situation. Which position would u take? Defend ur position: Rosalee Garcia is a supervisor at Second Time Around, a clothing resaled shop located on Brainbridge Island in Washington State. Second Time...
  11. S

    Assume that the car lot contains 20 percent Lincolns, 45 percent Porches,

    and 35 percent BMWs. Of the Lincol? have been trying to do this problem. end up with the wrong answer. could someone help? thanks! Assume that the car lot contains 20 percent Lincolns, 45 percent Porches, and 35 percent BMWs. Of the Lincolns, 70 percent have two airbags, 60 percent of the...
  12. R

    Why do some Christians assume that gays are ruled by lust?

    This may be sharing more about myself than you care to know, but I personally haven't had sex in like a month at least. My best friend (male) and I (male) cuddle a lot and watch movies together...which is homosexual behavior, but it isn't lust by any means. Also, men are men are no...
  13. T

    A runner travels 100 m in 10.7 s. Assume that it takes him 1.44 s to reach

    his top speed,? which is then maintained for the rest of the race. Find the following values: (a) average speed (b) acceleration during the first 1.44 s (c) maximum speed
  14. S

    why do people always assume the worse about dogs on here?

    when someone asks a question about their dog, whatever question it may be, the answerer always assumes the person is a dog breeder? the people here do not seem to care if the owners are giving loving homes and providing a safe environment for the animals. isnt that what matters the most? the...
  15. DannyB

    Assume you deplete your savings to buy a new sofa and some government bonds

    and then take a vacation in a for? A) consumption will increase B) net exports will increase C) government purchases will increase D) investment will increase E) all of the above
  16. S

    Why do right wingers assume that all leftists sat on a computer and

    complained about the president like them? Well I did't and I am a leftist so I guess we "all" didn't. Why do I assume that???? Because every single time I mention their constant attacks they say "what did you say about Bush." I didn't care about Bush. I was in Med school.
  17. N

    Why is it when you tell anyone that you're bi/homo- sexual they assume you're

    interested in them? Opinion Poll: Why is it when you tell anyone that you're bi/homo- sexual they assume you're interested in them? I told my bff I was bi-sexual (via me complaining about my ex) and now shes acting totally weird around me and asked if I had a crush on her. Um...I have a gf...
  18. N

    Why is it when you tell anyone that you're bi/homo- sexual they assume you're

    interested in them? Opinion Poll: Why is it when you tell anyone that you're bi/homo- sexual they assume you're interested in them? I told my bff I was bi-sexual (via me complaining about my ex) and now shes acting totally weird around me and asked if I had a crush on her. Um...I have a gf...
  19. C

    Survey: In your opinion, why do people assume that everyone else's sense

    of humor is/should be like their own? I swear I see 10 "Does no one have a sense of humor?!" questions a day.
  20. T

    Why does everyone assume that the song "Everything" by Lifehouse is a christian song?

    Why does everyone assume that the song "Everything" by Lifehouse is a christian song? Even on wikipedia it says it's about faith. It's not true though! Jason Wade himself said it was written about him & his wife, & love in general. No where in the lyrics does it mention god, so why are people...