Have you noticed this trend in politics?

May 25, 2008
I don't hate Republicans at all! But do they want such a small government? I feel like they're all,
"The government needs out of my personal business. It's too big yada yada."

YET when it comes to PERSONAL business like whether or not you can have an abortion/birth control/and gay marriage they're all "LAWS LAWS LAWS!"

Why is that?
Yes I have, but they're just the other side of a corrupt coin. Republicans try to force morality to the point they are in your life with too many aspects, and Democrats do the same with their willingness to tear down one group to elevate another for "equality" purposes. There's no escaping it. Truth be told, only die-hard libertarian ideology is in alignment with the American constitution.

I'm personally socially right wing and fiscally left wing. I see the corruption on both sides, and neither of the two major parties represent me at all.