Have you ever met a person for the first time?


Apr 6, 2008
and felt that there is some connection - that you have always known them.

Thank you for your replies.
yeah =) it was so creepy because it usually takes me years to build up a connection like that since Im super shy. Ive never been as comfortable with anyone as I am with him
Yess. My best friend katherine. We actually were both having a fight w/ this one girl(different situations) and we clicked. And you know that feeling you get the first time you talk on the phone w/ someone (like its kinda awkward and a lot of pauses)...well that was the opposite for us. We talked nonstop and it wasnt awkward at all. Weird!
lots of times
I recognized my biological fathers vioice on the phone before I actually
found out he was my real dad.
not very often but yeah that has happened and it freaks me out because l feel that l have met this person before even though l haven't
Not always known them, but instant connection - yeh. The more powerful it is, the more I want to bone her!