Have you ever heard Aramaic (Jesus Christ's native tongue) spoken or sung before?


New member
May 24, 2011
I heard this on Wikipedia and was nearly overwhelmed with emotion! It sounds so sublime and mysterious!
Sorry, but it sounds like the Monks from Monty Python and the Holy Grail to me.

But in all honesty it's in the delivery. You could be listening to a shopping list, and if it was delivered like that in any language you don't understand it would have the same "sublime and mysterious" quality to you.
Yes I have. There are some of the descendants here around. They run a snackbar and I heard them speaking and saw their church. It is here in Germany.
Yes, I agree, it is a beautiful language. I have heard Jesus speak this way in a documentary as well. When He was with His disciples, sometimes when they were gathered alone, He spoke to them in Aramaic. However, Jesus was also fluent in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. When He spoke in public, He would speak in Hebrew, as it was the "sacred language of the Jewish people".

Undoubtedly, Jesus was given a good Jewish education as a boy, even though He was born into a modest household. His family was devoutly Jewish, as indicated by their adherence to the Torah (Luke 2:39-42). He learned to read the Hebrew texts of the Bible and was adept at reasoning with the Torah sages of His day. At age 12, for example, we find Him sitting in the Temple discussing the finer points of the Torah with the religious leaders of His day (Luke 2:39-52). Such a discussion undoubtedly occurred in Hebrew, not Aramaic (much less Greek or Latin).

Jesus is called "the very word of God" in John 1:1, a verse that mirrors the Hebrew text of Genesis 1:1. It is unthinkable that the promised "Messiah", the King of Jews in the lineage of Moses, King David and the Hebrew prophets, would have spoken His words of life using a foreign language to the Jewish people. As the King of Kings, he would have spoken the language of the Jews.
Have you seen Passion of the Chirst? I believe that's in Aramaic. It's a beautiful language! What was weird is I got so into that movie that I didn't notice that I was reading subtitles and I could almost swear that I heard it spoken in my own tongue! Thanks for sharing, I loved it!
Yes, it's very powerful. I would love to go to the Holylands one day.

Hebrew alphabet bears the closest relation to the Imperial Aramaic

Here is a link to the Lord's prayer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUGrXljE6OQ

If you get a chance study a little of biblical Hebrew & Greek scriptures it gives a fuller understanding of the text.