halo 3 odst audiophile confusion?


New member
Oct 13, 2008
ok so i have 28 audiophiles, NOT 29 so i cant go to data hive yet. now im pretty sure it is imposible for me to find the 29th audiophile. i even checked over the whole audiophile map guide provided by nextgenwalkthroughs. but it seems that there are audiophiles that i don't remember getting but they don't light up for me to collect it. any advice would hopefully be helpful
This is what i used the pictures make it so much easier when ur in the general direction of the log ur looking for.

YouTube would help greatly, that's what I did and I had no problem finding them.
I know Nextgenwalkthrough's map giuide is pretty messed up. I would just go on Youtube and find consistent vids by the same guy, or Nextgenwalkthroughs has a channel. they do 'em all in order. I have yet to get this achievement, because Ive gotten all 29 @ least 3 times with my friend but when i quit out to go to Data Hive it says i have none...sooo, I just gave up on that shit.

But the vids on Youtube REALLY help, easy to follow along. so since you've done it once, i know you don't wanna hear it, but i recommend restarting, but with the vids, cuz your gonna look through all the spots for the last one, might as well get them all while your doing it right?

Idk, this is the best answer i could come up with.
If your not sure go onto youtube and follow a video showing of them... its how i did it