
I'll be celebrating ( All Hallows Eve) in the usual way being a pagan lol. I'm not saying where I'm going to be as it'll hopfully be warm enough to be able to do it in style lol. I'll be wearing my robe which is red and gold and of cause I'll be in the woods.

Madfrog keep quiet about this one please lol.

lisa xx
Aggghh you are posting about paganism and halloween on your 666th post!

On that note, I'm staying in this halloween.

No just joking, but I don't have any plans. I haven't really dressed up in a couple of years, but if you give me a good idea, I'll do it and take a picture.
man alive I didn't even check the number of my posts, now that's really apt for the halloween thread isn't it lol.

what do you mean give you a good idea, some so called friends of mine have been trying to get photo's of this for quite a while, they tried last year but I went to celebrate it with some other witches.
lisa xx
I mean, if somebody comes up with a costume idea that's good enough to inspire me to dress up this halloween, I'll post a pic of it.
Haha! I've just made my halloween plans. Me, my brothers, and a female friend of mine will all be heading to Memphis, TN for the vodoo music festival. Awesome lineup, fun crowd, it will be an awesome time. Plus, Nine Inch Nails will be there, and i've been itching to see them for 10 years.

I am going to a halloween party in a fetish club, I will be dressing as an ancient Pict, so loincloth, body paint, sword and thats it.
man u guys tryin to be mature n stuff... im going trick or treating with my insturctor and friend. of course were going dressed as Thai Boxers with no shirts regardless of how cold it is(lol yes we know this is gunna b painful)
i don't do Hallowe'en, it's one of the most annoying times of year, second only to the 'Back to School' time.
Hopefully. For me, it's either a party, or trick or treating. If I went trick or treating, I'd probably cosplay a favorite character of an anime. Probably Ryoma Echizen from Prince of Tennis, since I already have this whole costume.

For a party, I'd just invite a bunch of friends, watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, and...I dunno. Something fun.
I did an absolutely stunning Eric Draven (The Crow) costume last year. I really wish I'd got some pictures.
I'm not sure if I'll be bothered to dress up this year. Maybe as a ninja
This year myself and a bunch of friends are throwing a party. My current costume plan is a T-shirt of my friend's band and some jeans - then I can say I came as a whiny little emo kid just to wind him up
Our MA club has a fancy dress Hallowe'en booze-up every year - usually great fun!

This was me last year!
I dressed up as Sharon Osborne one year for a costume party .... and although I didn't look "exactly" like her .... I managed to assume her personality for the entire evening! what fun!
No halloween for me this year, I got work. But, I'll try to scare people with outrageous prices. Or not, I dunno. I'll probably just hide in random bushes and grab someones leg. Thats always a good laugh.
If I'm in Wisconsin the town I stay in they make trick or treating on the Sunday before......during the day......boy thats setting a scene eh? My wife won't let me see my eldest son then anyway, its his birthday so no need to get the candy out.

If I'm on the island we'll party and go diving probably.
Goth-punk: black everything, nose ring, tatoo's (all fake) chains.
Studded leather! I need more studded leather!
Did something similar a few years ago as an ancient Celt. I was fine as long as I stayed indoors, but unfortunately it turned out to be a very windy night outside. Maybe I shouldn't have gone regimental (or "coofftopicndo" to the Americans) . . .
This year, Shinsengumi. Far more clothing, which is good as I live much farther north now.