GNC Amplified Mass XXX Scoop?


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I just got the Amplified Mass xxx from GNC yesterday and i was wondering how much g of protien is in ONE SCOOP ( the scoop that they provide us with)
if also this..umm how much should i grams of protien should i consume a day 155lbs
I have GNC Whey Iso burst protein I take about 2 scoops that equals to 45 grams, so for you I'd honestly think you should take 25 grams, but if you use Cell tech which is available and GNC if you are using free weights the Cell Tech creatine formula will help you synthesize the protein better plus you can mix it in juices for a more enjoyable taste, but you can get chocolate which is delicious, but I'd only use protein if i'm doing strength training, or high impact aerobics because it works out the leg muscles more.
With only one scoop you would get 12.5 g of protein. with the recommended 4 scoops per serving you would get 50 g of protein.

It is recommended that you get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight so you would need 155 grams of protein per day. i'm going for 1.5 grams personally, which is what others recommend for bulking. that would be 232.5 grams of protein if you were to follow that method.
With only one scoop you would get 12.5 g of protein. with the recommended 4 scoops per serving you would get 50 g of protein.

It is recommended that you get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight so you would need 155 grams of protein per day. i'm going for 1.5 grams personally, which is what others recommend for bulking. that would be 232.5 grams of protein if you were to follow that method.
Well the recomended serving size is 4 scoops which would have about 50 grams. so probably about 13-15 grams per scoop. Well ampllified mass is actually a weight gainer so its different from just regular protein. This product isn't going to last you long at all, body builders usually take in 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, which in your case would be 155 grams of protein, but since this is a mass gainer you cant use it like a protein, if i were you id only mix about 2 scoops per shake and take about 3 shakes a day, this will give better gains and should last a little bit longer