GNC Amplified Mass XXX and p90x?


Jul 18, 2008
Im currently doing p90x and its my 2nd day doing this workout i bought mass XXX and i take 2 scoops when i wake up and 2 after my workout with p90x is this a good combonation? Or should i use a different protein?
Or should i go with the p90x recovery drink?
Please help.
Any mass builder is going to have a 5hitload of carbs.....just what you don't need if you wanna see that six-pack.
Supplements don't necessarily mean you will gain muscle faster, or get more strength. All supplements do is give you whatever nutrition you may be missing or can't take from daily foods you eat. If you meant protein supplements, protein simply helps your muscles to rebuild and grow during rest. They don't directly affect your strength or the muscle gain. That part depends on what workout you do, the diet, and the rest you take.

"Remember, a protein shake is a product that contains protein powder, a liquid (milk, juice, or water), flavors ( fruit, chocolate or peanut butter), sweetener (honey, sugar, or artificial sweetener) and typically lots of supplements. The ones you buy are typically very unhealthy and are extremely expensive so I would recommend making your own healthy protein shake for a fraction of the cost." -

"When training, you need about a half gram of protein per pound of body weight. So a 180-pound male needs about 90 grams of protein a day. That's the amount of protein in a cup of milk or yogurt with breakfast (8–12 grams), a can of tuna with lunch (40 grams), and a six-ounce steak with dinner (42 grams).

Meat has a generous 6 to 10 grams of protein per ounce. But even vegetarians can get enough protein from vegetables, even while training hard." -

If you must use a protein supplement choose wisely and if you can, choose a product with a USP seal.