Girls help! Cute girl at the gym!!?


Jun 2, 2008
I've asked this before but nobody answers...

There is this super hot brunette at the gym: a 10. I was on the stairmaster and I saw her go to the elliptical a row in front of me I was like WOW. I go often and I've never seen her so yeah.
Me and my bro decided to go on the treadmill after, which is one row in front of
her so I was like "yes! I can show off" So me and my bro started doing sprints. I was often looking in the mirror(one in front of us so I could see her) and I noticed that she was looking at me a lot.. After maybe 20 minutes, my bro wanted to leave. I went to the back to get a paper towel to clean my treadmill. As I was walking back to clean the treadmill she made eye contact with me.

I tried to stall so much to maybe talk to her but she stayed on the elliptical. I thought about maybe going in front of her while she was on the elliptical to maybe get a # but idk.

Do you think I should have done that?
Say hi to her and ask her how she is. Make a conversation first and keep asking her how she is and stuff and then ask for her number later on. Try to be friends first.
well you didnt do that soo theres nothing much you can do now. if you see her again you should go to the machine to her and start talking to her and then work up your way to get her number