Gadgets yet to be invented..?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
What cool gadget would you want to see invevnted in the near future?? Anything that would help make your life easier or more interesting that could help change the world in general.
Any gadget that can make me an attractive guy to them girls would be a life saver.

Nah, seriously I want is perhaps a device that could monitor our body condition in real time. Our blood pressure, and stuff like that. Maybe even advance enough to give an early warning of a developing cancer.

That could save so many life. I've see people I know personally gets consumed by it, a very sad thing
A computer program that designs new inventions by calculating what's possible and using inputs like style, form, function, material, and what's been done before. Similar to the program that guy in the film Iron Man used to design his suit. It would then print out a parts list and a diagram of how to build it and where to buy the parts.
Anything from designing fursuits, tools, bikes, toys, bottle openers, etc.