
  1. H

    Who invented AT&T? Was it Bell?

    Is it Alexander Graham Bell? But he's Canadian isn't he? He ain't American. BTW what else did Alexander Bell do? I know he's made the telephone.
  2. F

    Could you have a phobia of something that was not invented?

    For example, could you have a phobia of a telephone before the telephone was invented? If not, then how would the phobia form?
  3. J

    Was religion invented to make women seem like more than just sex objects?

    Isn't the bologne that is organized religion just a tool to make life seem more livable because women have no brains and are only good for sex? Doesn't it create the illusion that women are divine and have some meaning or purpose in their lives beyond reproduction? Isn't that what all hero...
  4. H

    have they invented a dvd player that can play quicktime movies..?

    I just burned a whole lot of family videos and photos and put it in the dvd player, and found out that it wont play any of the videos that are on the dvd - r! So I was wondering before I buy a new dvd player, are there in fact any that play quicktime movies, or do I have to change the format of...
  5. C

    Who invented th television?

    I am wondering who invented TV. I am very curious
  6. E

    How invented the house?

    Who invented houses. And why are they called houses
  7. R

    have Apple invented or developed anything new to iphones that have not...

    ...been seen in other smartphones? Has Apple brought anything new to the world of smartphones.. and what? Were they the first to launch panorama camera to smartphones? And what about Siri, was that seen anywhere else?
  8. R

    What if there was no Google, what if the internet was never invented?

    I wonder what life would be like with no internet, what if the internet did not exist? What if human beings became extinct? I was quite bored yeah!!
  9. I

    If time travel was invented?

    It is kind of a deep subject, but wouldn't the world totally end if time traveling existed. Think about it. Lets say Jim hates Bob for ruining his highschool experience. Jim goes into the past and kills Bob. Now add million of others doing this. And the butterfly effect could happen. Lets say...
  10. G

    The Man Who Invented the Escape Key [Computers]

    You probably use it without even thinking. You've may have used it today, maybe in anger and frustration, maybe with a definitive sigh. The escape key is a fixture of modern keyboards everywhere, but who invented it? The New York Times dug into the question. More »
  11. S

    I have invented the best joke ever?

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: “Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see.” Watson replied: “I see millions and millions of stars.”...
  12. G

    Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions for the Internet [Internet]

    Steve Crocker was there when the internet was born. The date was Oct. 29, 1969, and the place was the University of California, Los Angeles. Crocker was among a small group of UCLA researchers who sent the first message between the first two nodes of the ARPAnet, the U.S. Department of...
  13. S

    Do you beleive the first religion on earth was invented like this?

    The first religion was invented when the intelligent person on the earth met the foolish person on earth (sorry if any spelling mistakes)
  14. Z

    Who invented ore smelting?

    I don't who invented ore smelting. I've searched around and found a couple of answers, but I don't know which one is right. :/ I've read that a guy in America and a guy if France did in the 1800s. (Which I find rediculous because people had iron weaponry, armor, and pots WAYYYYY before the 1800s...
  15. ¢

    Has anyone invented a gadget or app that BLOCKS any broadcast from Murdoch's

    News Corporation? If not, I think this is a wonderful idea and someone should make one. It's just a simple computer program that could be put on a USB stick that people can stick in their TV's or computer, or maybe someone could even an app that works on all mobile gadgets. If there are any...
  16. I

    Who invented "No Homo"?

    I find No homo funny but people say it all the time who came up with it?
  17. I

    Who invented "No Homo"?

    I find No homo funny but people say it all the time who came up with it?
  18. B

    If propelling steam vessels weren't invented would we still have cruise ships?

    Please be serious and help...
  19. B

    who invented pinky promise?

    who, when and where?
  20. C

    What technology will be invented in the future?

    Tell me a technology that will be invented in the future, something computerized:) Please I need to write a research paper on that topic.