Fleeing American gun violence and relocating to China for safety. Is this a trend?


May 13, 2008
I've been here for a bit over a year but I didn't come for safety. I originally came to teach for about 7 months. As time goes on I am very glad that I have stayed. Not only is there the lack of jobs in the States but it seems as though possible terrorist attacks and random violence is becoming more and more prevalent.

I, personally, don't think this will become a big trend but I feel that more and more families will begin to think it is a good idea. It may pick up for a while but I don't think it will be a long lasting fad or will there be a mad rush for China.
I keep meeting newly arrived Americans in China who say they fear the gun violence and rampant illegal drug abuse in the States. They are looking for a fresh start in China. How big will this trend get?
You are just another arrogant misinformed Chinese person trying to make a country look bad.

You know nothing of the facts and way of life in the USA. The USA has gun related crimes stats lower than several countries in the world. I don’t know where you got the idea of Americans going to China for safety.... you are nothing but a troll. I also suggest that you go and read some drug related stats on China as well before you make misinform opinions. In the last ten years it has growth at an alarming rate.

There good reason why China has banned guns with its people, they cannot control them. In China people to take law into their own hands. The law does not work outside a city. Knife related killings are common in China and there is a new trend for younger people to carry them around.