Fans dress as sharks and unicorns as part of John Oliver's gag


Jun 17, 2007
If you were with us on Tuesday, you know that*comedian/HBO TV host John Oliver is having a little fun at the New York Yankees expense this week.*
The*"Last Week Tonight" show host*purchased premium tickets for the first three Yankees games of the season and held a contest with one condition attached. The winners could purchase the tickets for 25 cents, but had to agree to dress like they've never sat in premium seats before.
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Tuesday's winners certainly obliged, dressing up as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But that left us to wonder how Wednesday's winner would follow.
Well, we got our answer.**Two women came dressed up as unicorns, while another pair of women dressed up as Katy Perry’s sharks from her famous Super Bowl halftime appearance.
Two riff raff fans in unicorn outfits, 2 dressed as sharks, in 2nd row of Lonn Trost's "premium seats" to 3B side of yday's. @iamjohnoliver
— Peter Botte (@PeterBotte) April 6, 2016
Also, I believe the 2 females in the shark costumes are dressed as Katy Perry's left and right sharks.
— Peter Botte (@PeterBotte) April 6, 2016
According to the New York Daily News,*Hannah Lee and her co-worker Michelle Munera wore the unicorn costumes. The sharks were portrayed by Ashley Lewis and Jennifer Sedgley.
It's noted that both pairs did not know each other before Wednesday's game, but they are now linked forever through their own creativity and Oliver's unique sense of humor.*
Thanks @LastWeekTonight were having a blast! @iamjohnoliver ??
— Hannah Lee (@hannahsungmi) April 6, 2016
Lee and her co-worker only found out they had the tickets on Wednesday, but they were obviously prepared.*
They were not seen at their seats for very long, but it sounds as though they made the desired impact. In other words, they got people's attention, which means Oliver got another leg up on the Yankees.*
[Elsewhere: Comedian Bill Maher isn't shy about his dislike for Bryce Harper]
The battle will conclude on Thursday. That's the final game Oliver was able to secure tickets for. Whoever got the tickets will have a couple tough acts to follow. But hey, it's New York, the city where creativity knows no bounds. *
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813