I recently wrote an introduction on a story, it also has the ending and a bit of


New member
Jul 3, 2008
the body. Good or No? Love is a many-sided thing. It has been written about in thousands of poems over many lifetimes of years. It has been dramatized for several hundred. And it has been known to me for the past 17 years of my life. I live with my mom and my dad and my younger brother. My parents love each other and love my brother and I too. I have never fallen in love, though. I have always hoped for summer flings. And dreamt of a romance with the new kid. Yet, hopes and dreams are fantasy. Jimmy was reality, and that is the most painful thing to realize, even out of everything that has happened. I’ve lived in the same house for my whole life. I’ve gone to school with my classmates since I was in preschool. Nobody has really changed since preschool. Everyone got taller and lost their baby fat, and went through puberty, but, no one has really changed. Everyone is pretty mainstream, nothing out of the ordinary, except for a handful of goths, sorry, "emos.” Anyone who is considered as anyone wears Hollister, or one of those popular brands. I am not included in that statement because I wear what I feel like. I am pretty independent, at least that’s how I view myself. The only interesting person in this town is Jimmy. He lit up my life, yet that’s extremely ironic when you find out what he is. Jimmy is a… Wait, I won’t ruin it for you. You’ll find out soon enough. Jimmy left for summer a normal varsity football, track star, varsity everything, Jock. But when he cam back from his Uncle’s ranch in Montana, he was completely different. It wasn’t that he dressed differently or had gotten multiple piercing or anything. It was that he changed his personality. He dumped his girlfriend, head cheerleader, blah blah blah the second he saw her on the school campus. She made quite a scene, and he just didn’t care. He told me that he was chosen to branch out the coven into our area because there was a lot of activity there lately. He told me he was chosen to be the king of the coven and was given the task of finding a queen and starting a new coven in our home town. Vampires are changed in a sacred basin filled with the tears of Ariadne, the first vampire ever created by God. Vampires are not evil, they do not drink blood, they only are protectors of the mortal, the weak, and the otherworldly. The word vampire is from the first language, Ariadne’s native tongue, Vimpur. It means awakened, or known. You see, her tears dissolve the cloud over every mortals eyes which prevents them from seeing in the true way. They see the other worlds, where they start and end and what is in those worlds. Vampires were created to protect the mortal from the other worlds Satanic evils. He took my hand and led me to the front of the table which was in the center of the room. “Will you join me as my queen, be queen to the rest of our coven, and will you promise to always be my companion and partner ruler?” He gave this as the heaviest burden I would ever encounter. I could say no, yet I could also say yes. “My fellow ruler, leader, and love, yes, I will accept this burden as a joy and follow it forever.” I replied. As I took his hand and sat in my “throne,” the whole coven bowed before us. Jimmy and I, and our coven, would protect the world and live out our destiny throughout.
Ok. Thanks for you opinions and ideas. Please don't steal my work, I spent a lot of time developing what I have now.

Also, I would like to know what kind of names you think I will list my ideas here.

Both are 17, they were born in 1991 in January and August, both on the 27th. I will post more when I write it or decide it or figure it out.
Sorry I forgot the names. Here they are.

Girl: 1-25
1. Jessica
2. Ashley
3. Amanda +1
4. Brittany -1
5. Samantha +1
6. Sarah -1
7. Stephanie
8. Jennifer
9. Elizabeth
10. Emily +2
11. Megan
12. Kayla +2
13. Lauren -3
14. Rachel +1
15. Nicole -2
16. Amber
17. Melissa +2
18. Danielle
19. Chelsea +5
20. Rebecca +1
21. Courtney -4
22. Michelle
23. Katherine +2
24. Heather -4
25. Jasmine +4
26. Kelsey +7
27. Tiffany -4
28. Victoria +6
29. Hannah +2
30. Maria
31. Christina -5
32. Alyssa -4
33. Laura -6
34. Taylor +13
35. Shelby +66
36. Kimberly -4
37. Alexandra -1
38. Sara -3
39. Mary -2
40. Andrea -2
41. Erica -2
42. Crystal -1
43. Anna +2
44. Kelly -2
45. Amy -5
46. Erin -2
47. Alexis +20
48. Kristen -5
49. Allison -1
50. Morgan +8
51. Brianna +12
52. Cassandra -3
53. Lindsey -1
54. Caitlin -4
55. Katie +1
56. Vanessa -3
57. Angela -6
58. Kathryn
59. Brittney -13
60. Jamie -5
61. Natalie
62. Olivia +12
63. Alicia -9
64. Jordan -5
65. Julia +16
66. Brooke +6
67. Ariel +31
68. Whitney -8
69. Mariah +199
70. Jacqueline -5
71. Catherine -2
72. Christine -10
73. Shannon -5
74. Erika -3
75. Molly +13
76. Monica -3
77. Lisa -13
78. Katelyn -1
79. Paige +3
80. Lindsay -10
81. Jenna +6
82. Alexandria +17
83. Marissa +10
84. Haley +25
85. Kaitlyn -6
86. Kristin -20
87. Kristina -11
88. Abigail +2
89. Bianca
90. Ana -12
91. Cynthia -5
92. Diana -12
93. Veronica -10
94. April -19
95. Leah -10
96. Miranda +22
97. Melanie -13
98. Patricia -7
99. Meghan -2
100. Briana +13
1. Michael
2. Christopher
3. Matthew
4. Joshua
5. Daniel
6. Andrew +1
7. David -1
8. James
9. Joseph +1
10. John +1
11. Ryan +1
12. Nicholas +2
13. Robert
14. Justin -5
15. Brandon +4
16. Jacob +4
17. Tyler +5
18. Anthony -3
19. Jonathan -3
20. William -3
21. Kyle -3
22. Zachary +1
23. Kevin -2
24. Cody +8
25. Alexander +4
26. Eric -2
27. Steven -2
28. Thomas -2
29. Jose -2
30. Jordan
31. Brian -3
32. Aaron +3
33. Benjamin
34. Timothy -3
35. Richard +1
36. Patrick +1
37. Adam -3
38. Samuel +5
39. Charles
40. Sean -2
41. Stephen -1
42. Christian +15
43. Nathan +2
44. Jeremy -3
45. Travis -3
46. Jeffrey -2
47. Mark -1
48. Dylan +38
49. Jason -2
50. Juan -2
51. Luis -2
52. Austin +6
53. Jesse -3
54. Taylor +12
55. Paul -4
56. Kenneth -2
57. Gregory -5
58. Dustin -5
59. Carlos +2
60. Bryan -1
61. Scott -6
62. Derek -6
63. Corey -3
64. Alex -
65. Cameron -1
66. Jared -1
67. Ethan -4
68. Jesus +3
69. Edward -1
70. Bradley -3
71. Trevor +8
72. Evan +5
73. Shawn -3
74. Ian -2
75. Victor -2
76. Miguel +4
77. Shane +1
78. Peter -4
79. Cory -10
80. Marcus -4
81. Antonio -6
82. Gabriel +10
83. Caleb +12
84. Vincent -3
85. Nathaniel +2
86. Devin +16
87. Jorge +4
88. George -6
89. Adrian
90. Blake +8
91. Joel -6
92. Brett -4
93. Keith -9
94. Casey +2
95. Erik +2
96. Garrett +7
97. Raymond -4
98. Phillip -15
99. Mitchell
100. Logan +9
Ok, here's the summary. Girl comes back to senior year of school and this guy she has always admired is different but she doesn't know how because its not appearance wise, its just aura and personality. Being a jock no longer matters to him because he has been changed into a vampire, yet he doesn't drink blood or kill innocents, he protects them. He is going to start his own coven and he has to choose a queen. He chooses main character. They start a coven together and protect the innocents.
i liked it.... i would defiantly read it... but honestly i would read anything.... it was cool though....