Does your Religion allow use of Drugs to help seek a higher meaning to Life?


New member
Apr 29, 2013
Little wonder, then, that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said: “Drugs are tearing apart our societies, spawning crime, spreading diseases such as AIDS, and killing our youth and our future.” Often, people involved with drugs are responsible for crimes such as drug trafficking and drug-related homicides. In addition, because of abusing drugs, many people become victims of violence, are injured, or engage in risky, unplanned sex. And if you think that your family is immune, think again! One U.S. government report said: “Drugs are not a problem solely of the poor, minorities, or inner-city residents. . . . Drug users come from all walks of life and from all parts of the country. The drug problem affects everyone.”

drugs and alcohol lead people to see demons.
demons disguise themselves.
'cause demons are mad ugly.
No religion I think there all rude and biased no offence really plus I don't really think I need to chose this early in life in 20 years ill think about it i really don't do drugs although I do want to try weed and have been curious about others plus your intilted to your opinion but no I don't think that drugs aren't half as bad as people make them out to be that's just to scare people from doing them I know "drug users " that are fine and have seen " drug users " totally whacked out its just about self control what drug and how much for example I've never known a person who's been fine on meth but I know a few stoners that are perfectly fine I think drugs should a personal choice and not controlled by the government but hey we all have different ideas this is America
Hi, I agree with all you quote about the dangers of drugs but I missed the part where religion comes into it, I answer to you're question, my religion does not which religion did you have in mind.
No my religion doesn't accept the use of Drugs because it is not acceptable in the Bible.
Mind altering Drug especially....can leads to spiritism/demonism. One has to be careful rather legal or not. People who are under the influence (Medicines/Drugs that causes hallucinations, the hearing of voices, going in and out of consciousness (including Narcotics) can become the perfect prey for the demons if they are a person who dabbling in things: Demonic Games, DVDs, Music, Book Occultism etc.... that belong to them already. Satan is the ruler of this system of things for a time....but his time is almost up. (Rev. 12:7-9,12) Seek Jehovah while he can be found.

Best regards,
