
  1. R

    Do you know this meaning?. VISHNU, JEHOVAH NISSY?

    I heared that both god name vishnu and Jehovah nissy have same meaning?
  2. A

    What is the meaning of my Korean Name?

    I used a Korean Name Generator website and got Bae Ri Byul as a result. Now, if someone could just help me discover the meaning of it. Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    Meaning behind Drake Bell song?

    What is the song " I know " by Drake Bell about?
  4. A

    i have to make a ppt on "e-groups newsgroups". What is the meaning of...

    ..."e-groups newsgroups? can you please tell the meaning of this
  5. E

    Does your Religion allow use of Drugs to help seek a higher meaning to Life?

    Little wonder, then, that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said: “Drugs are tearing apart our societies, spawning crime, spreading diseases such as AIDS, and killing our youth and our future.” Often, people involved with drugs are responsible for crimes such as drug trafficking and drug-related...
  6. A

    LG Arena floor seating ticket meaning?

    The ticket says Block C YH 4 My question is what does each letter stand for? I know C means the block but not sure about the YH?
  7. A

    LG Arena floor seating ticket meaning?

    The ticket says Block C YH 4 My question is what does each letter stand for? I know C means the block but not sure about the YH?
  8. D

    Which iPad apps are 2-player (meaning I can play with my friend sitting...

    ...beside me, using the same iPad)? I don't have WiFi, and I want to play some games on the iPad with my boyfriend. We only have the one iPad, and it'd be nice to play a game together so neither of us feel left out. I have managed to find two: Fruit Ninja and another game called Carrom. I know...
  9. A

    Last name meaning traitor?

    I need a last name that means lier or traitor, preferably one that goes well with Jack.
  10. P

    What is the meaning or the definition of the second coming of Christ?

    Does it mean Jesus will come again?
  11. L

    What is the meaning of RJ-10?

    What is the meaning of RJ-10 in vehicle?
  12. C

    What is the meaning behind Tesselate by Alt-J? and also Feeling Good by Nina Simones?

    i have created a mash up of the two songs for a school project but it was meant to have a theme. is there any way at all that these two songs have anything in common? is living in the moment one?
  13. H

    Tell me in a sentence what, according to Katz, is the first meaning of

    "holy." (JUDAISM!)? understanding judaism book - rabbi mordechai katz
  14. H

    To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods meaning?

    To mingle friendship far is mingling bloods. What does it mean
  15. L

    Dream meaning of being afraid to look in a mirror?

    Ive had a dream and I know it means something important but I can't figure it out. In my dream I was at an old house and there were lots of strange objects, there was a long mirror against a wall. I was afraid of the mirror and the person beside me(I couldn't see them) told me that it could be...
  16. N

    What is the meaning of this joke?

    I can't understand this joke, can anyone tell me what it means? Is it funny at all? A young executive is working late one evening. As he comes out of his office about 8 PM he sees the Big Boss standing by the shredder in the hallway, a piece of paper in his hand. "Do you know how to work this...
  17. B

    How does William Golding utilize Simon to construct meaning in Lord of the Flies?

    I have to answer this question for an in-class essay and I don't really understand it.. can anyone help..?
  18. P

    Trending status on Facebook meaning?

    So I've been spring a bunch of girls post "4 1/2 inches 20 minutes" or "6 inches 10 minutes " and all Linda's of difrent measurements and time. I just want to know what it means ?
  19. A

    Meaning of this really odd dream?

    I remember packing for a trip and some black janitor was helping us and he kept staring at me. I went on a trip and only remember driving in a HUGE truck and driving back. I was using the bathroom in my house when I got home and said to myself "someone wants to come in the house" and I was...
  20. A

    Meaning of my Dream...?

    Earlier today I fell asleep; I had a dream that I was in Australia, being chased by a black and white Lion, in the surburbs. In my dream I put my youngest son in my pocket in a small bag made of cloth. I was running and running until I came to a mans house where he pulled down some shutters and...