Does the fact that America is in economic trouble show Biblical prophecy today?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Before God judges a nation, He sends warning. He sent warning to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave Nine Harbingers of Judgment, nine prophetic signs, alarms, and foreshadows of what was to come.

Now America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God has likewise allowed an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike — the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance but with defiance. And now the Nine Harbingers of Judgment have reappeared and have done so on American soil. Four harbingers have manifested at Ground Zero, two harbingers in Washington, D.C., and several involving the highest of American leaders — each harbinger containing a prophetic message and warning. There isn’t space here to even begin to cover all the mysteries — but I’ll touch on one of the Nine Harbingers and three of the mysteries.

The Word that Pronounced Judgment on America
As the dust settled on ancient Israel after the first attack and calamity, the nation’s leaders uttered a specific series of words. The words formed a vow of defiance (see Isaiah 9:10). It would seal their fate. It would declare that they would not repent before God, but would defy Him instead. It was the Ninth Harbinger. It would seal their fate as a nation and lead to their destruction.

On the very morning after September 11th, the Ninth Harbinger now manifested in America. It happened in Washington, D.C. On that day, from Capitol Hill, out of the mouth of the Senate Majority Leader, proceeded the exact same words uttered by the leaders of ancient Israel 2,500 years before, in the last days of that nation’s judgment (Isaiah 9:10). Having no idea what he was doing, the Majority Leader was declaring America as under the judgment of God. It was the reenactment of an ancient mystery — and bore the most grave of consequences.

According to the ancient mystery revealed in the Book of Isaiah, if after that first calamity and warning, the nation doesn’t return to God but responds in defiance, it will end up triggering a second calamity. It was because of this ancient key, that, seven years after 9/11, the American economy collapsed. In the days after 9/11, the Federal Reserve slashed the base interest rate in an attempt to defy the consequences of the attacks. That action put us on the path leading to the collapse of the American economy seven years later.

As the prophets gazed out at the ruins of ancient Israel, they realized that there was a mystery to the timing of God’s judgment. That mystery centered on the biblical Shemitah. Every seventh year, the Shemitah, or Sabbath Year, would cause the land to rest, when sowing and reaping, buying and selling, would come to a standstill. The Shemitah was unique in that it specifically affected the nation’s economic and financial realms — wiping out all accounts of credit and debt. For the nation that departs from God, the Shemitah becomes a sign of judgment.

The year of Shemitah reaches its culmination on the last day of the Hebrew year. In September of 2008 came the greatest stock market point crash in American history. When did it happen? On the biblical day of the Shemitah — the very day when credit and debt, the accounts of the financial realm, are wiped away! Seven years earlier was the second largest crash in American history — it was the one caused by 9/11. When did that crash take place? On the day of the Shemitah! Thus the two greatest financial collapses in American history both happened on the exact same Hebrew day — the day of the Shemitah — the sign of a nation departed from God. And the night after each of America’s stock market crashes came the Feast of Trumpets, the sounding of the shofar — the other biblical sign of judgment.

IN SHORT: when a nation refused to follow God's commands in the bible, every seventh year there were economic changes. In 2001 we had 9/11 at the end of the Hebrew calendar for the 'seventh year', and in 2008 we had the greatest Wall-Street collapse of our history at the time. Does this show biblical events taking place today?
Either way, I thank God that I follow Him instead of any pathetic country in the world, including the United States. There is no nation holy enough to consider my home. Christians, let the calamities of this life remind you that the earth is not our home! The Kingdom of Heaven is our home, and hold on until we get to the pearly gates which is our front door! God bless!
The answer to your question is no. The rest of all your post is mere preaching...and with very little substance to it.
Did every other bit of economic trouble the US has been in? And if so why over years when the country has been more religiously (specifically pro Christian, anti anyone else) extreme and fervent and obsessed with God than any other time in it's history? Why not in the enlightenment? Why so much good for the USA then?
"America" isn't mentioned in the bible.
Not that it matters -- the ignorant goat herders who wrote it were, well, ignorant goat herders.
They couldn't predict the future.

There's no evidence there's any "god" -- deal with it.


What about every other economic crisis throughout history?

At EVERY point in time since the Bible was written, people have said that its predictions were obviously coming true "now" -- that is, every generation has had people say what you're saying.

That's because the Bible is vague, and because there are always things described in it happening.

Imaginary beings don't cause economic crises -- greedy morons do. Regulatory systems prevent it, if they're well-designed and enforced.

We had a much worse crisis in the 1930s, put in a strong regulatory system, and had no crises for 50 years, until the regulatory system was dismantled.

Instead of looking for impossible explanations, SANE people look at real explanations.
Recession is a part of the business cycle. Peak (prosperity) -> Recession -> Trough (Depression) -> Recovery, etc.

You know nothing of economics, and less of theism, but, you passed the one class you took on "How to Copy and paste".
Congratulations, you just won my prize for most idiotic question of the day.

Biblical prophecy is complete bunk.