
  1. G

    High home ownership an economic curse?

    Government policies that boost the amount of home ownership in a country are likely to inflict severe damage on the labour market, new research from the University of Warwick suggests. Professor Andrew Oswald from the University of Warwick and Professor David (“Danny”) Blanchflower from...
  2. T

    Shire Launches Report That Quantifies The Health, Psycho-Social And Economic Impact O

    New findings reveal the substantial burden of rare diseases due to lack of resources, financial challenges and emotional unrest Shire plc (LSE: SHP, NASDAQ: SHPG) have launched a Rare Disease Impact Report, which uncovers the health, psycho-social, and economic impact of rare diseases on patient...
  3. E

    economic impacts on cruise industry?

    positive or negative impacts would be greatly appreciated.
  4. K

    Analyze the influence of global economic interdependence and the effect...

    ...of trade practices and agreements? coca cola
  5. T

    As Global Economic Troubles Continue, Cuts In Global Health Funding May Signal Conclu

    Despite dire predictions in the wake of the economic crisis, donations to health projects in developing countries appear to be holding steady, according to new research from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. After reaching a historic high of...
  6. S

    why won't any republican ever admit that bush caused the economic mess?

    and the republicans have done everything in their power to thwart the efforts of President Obama to clean it up?
  7. T

    Maternal Mental Health, Parenting Affected By Economic Abuse

    Mothers who experience economic and psychological abuse during the first year of a relationship with their child's father are more likely to become depressed and spank the child in year five, researchers from the Rutgers School of Social Work have found. The Rutgers team, which studied the...
  8. C

    In what ways did Bacon's Rebellion reflect the economic and social trends in

    Virginia? I'd appreciate the help!
  9. J

    Is Obama's foreign policy WORSE that his economic policy? Is that possible?

    First, apologies to mid-east for the way the US has behaved. And now.. with our embassies and consulates being attacked, "Just a bump in the road." The murder of our Libyan Ambassador is "just a bump in the road?"
  10. T

    Researcher Finds The Use Of Traditional, Natural Medicines Offers Economic Benefits

    For millions of people around the world being sick doesn't mean making a trip to the local pharmacy for medicines like Advil and Nyquil. Instead it means turning to the forest to provide a pharmacopeia of medicines to treat everything from tooth aches to chest pains. But while questions persist...
  11. G

    Mathematical Proof That Robbing Banks Doesn't Make Economic Sense [Crime]

    If you're struggling for cash, maybe the idea of robbing a bank has idly entered your mind. Don't do it! Because a new study by a team of economists shows that it doesn't make any financial sense whatsoever. More »
  12. L

    Please Help , Need Help On my Economic Quiz (19 Questions)?

    1. The economic term for products that you can see and touch and use is a. Goods b. Resources c. Services d. None of the above 2. The basic kinds of resources include a. Natural resources, such as air, water, plants, animals, land, and raw materials b. People-made...
  13. J

    What do you think of my economic rant?

    Am I crazy, buying into doomsday, or just regurgitating professions of Austrian Economics which I have never studied? This is a response I gave on a bullion investing forum. Nobody responded to me which makes me think that they assume I am a nutcase. Here is my thinking Chris. Call it simple...
  14. P

    What political factors helped with Economic growth in post-war Japan?

    the economic miracle must have had some politics behind it...right?
  15. N

    What is an example of the trend of economic polarization in the USA?

    I already talked about the pay gap between CEOs and workers in the 1980s compared to now, and the difference between living wage and minimum wage in 1968 and now. What is another thing i could compare?
  16. C

    Does the fact that America is in economic trouble show Biblical prophecy today?

    Before God judges a nation, He sends warning. He sent warning to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave...
  17. T

    Advanced Liver Disease - The Economic Cost

    Health care costs for hepatitis C patients with end-stage liver disease are nearly 2.5 times higher than those in the early stages, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study. Although infection with the hepatitis C virus increases health care costs overall, the specific impact of the disease's...
  18. M

    If the economic situation was caused by "crony capitalism" (improper...

    ...favors by govt to big business), then why? ...would you want to give the government MORE power to grant favors to favored big businesses? Dodd-Frank, for example, gives unelected government bureaucrats the power to determine who is and who is not "too big to fail." In other words, they have...
  19. I

    Why are world leaders and atheists whining about a solution to the economic crisis...

    ...when the solution is clear? all that has to be done is to extort/rob companies earnings by half for a couple of years and we'll all be back on track. Isn't it darlings?
  20. V

    What are interesting topics (political, social, economic, etc.) to debate about?

    Hey guys thanks for your help btw. I've been stumped on ideas of what I can bring up in my government class. I've had some good ones related to school or pay. I want topics people can easily start agreeing or disagreeing with me about. It'd be entertaining that way. So absolutely anything would...