Does Messianic Judaism require you to disown family members that do not...


New member
Aug 9, 2012
...believe the same as you do? *Messianic Judaism - Jews and Gentiles alike living Torah life style. Yet keeping belief in Yeshua as Messiah. I know in traditional strict Judaism sometimes there is a requirement if a family member believes IN Jesus they are disowned. I am wondering (personal reasons) if some Messianic congregations are so strict that if family members don't believe/follow Torah they would go so far as to disown as well.
I am unaware of any Messianic synagogues that teach or tolerate hateful practices.To the contrary,Messianic Jews practice the love of Jesus.:applause:
* Messianic Judaism = Baptists who claim to be Jewish so they can convert unsuspecting Jewish people to Christianity.

It's in their mission statement that that's what they are doing.
There is no such thing as a "messianic Jew". If they were born to Jewish parents then they are apostates and have forsaken Judaism. If they were not born to Jewish parents (a Jewish mother specifically) then they are not Jewish to begin with.

"Messianic Jews" are xtians who play Jewish dress up. If you believe in jesus (calling him yeshua in Hebrew does not make him more palatable to real Jewish by the way) then you are NOT living a Torah life.

That said, if a person converts to xtianity, the parents are often disappointed they fell into the xtian trap but they do not disown them or shun them.

If one of my siblings converted I would be VERY disappointed but they would still be my sibling. As for what xtians do about dealing with Jewish family after they convert to xtianity...I can't say and I would not be surprised either way.
You've got it backwards. If the messianics were formally of a Jewish denomination the Jewish family will sit Shiva for the Jew who decides to follow Messianic Judaism.