Messianics: How do you deal with thoughts of converting to Judaism?


May 16, 2008
I am a Gentile who has become a Messianic. As a Messianic, I have fallen in love with Judaism. I have constant thoughts all the time about converting to Judaism - not Messianic Judaism, but regular Judaism. These thoughts are almost daily and I can't get them out of my head. I love Judaism so much, but I also believe in Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus), but lately I have been even questioning that. I don't even know if I believe anymore that Yeshua is the Messiah. I really wish I could convert to Judaism, but I am afraid that if I do, I will go to Hell. That is what I was always taught growing up as a Christian - if you don't believe in Jesus, you go to Hell. But I am starting not to believe that so much. I wish I could become Jewish. I see so many problems in the Messianic Jewish community that I wish I could get out of it and be Jewish.I realize that I am probably not the only Messianic that has considered conversion to Judaism. What should I do? Please help!
who wants to convert these days anyway. I am not sure what are you going to convert , change color of your shoes.
I would imagine it is what's in your heart that counts. If you didn't believe in Jesus....and let's say that was a requirement for Heaven, do you really think that pretending to believe would get you into Heaven? Do you think that the Father knows our hearts and sees the truth? I wouldn't think that staying with a religion you no longer believe in counts for much.

You need to look within yourself and decide what you want to do, and what feels right. Not ask a bunch of strangers to tell you what your religious beliefs should be.