Does it make any other atheists mad that the documentaries about the pagan origins


Active member
May 12, 2008
of Christ are fake? I already knew that the claims that Jesus's story was borrowed from Horus and Krishna were all crap because I study mythology for fun and this was never mentioned...anywhere. So that I already knew.

But I had no idea that false documentaries even claim the story came from Mithras, too.

I found a story about fake documentaries, and ones like Zeitgeist and Relugulous have been debunked.

Here's a link, in case you're interested:

As an atheist, it upsets me that so many misinformed people choose to fight dirty (and unfair) by citing the false connections to other pagan gods that have been proven false.

I don't like cheating.

Does it piss anyone else off? If I'm gonna win an argument, I want it to be because I gave a fair fight. But seeing so many atheists repeat these lies is upsetting.
neil, in reading mythology, I have proven the Horus and Krishna connections are false because, for example, they were not born from virgins, yet the documentaries claim they were, which is clearly a lie seeing as anyone can read the exact opposite if they choose to look it up. That's just plain contradiction of facts.

And get off your paranoia, Mulder. I don't need people saying I'm a false atheist because I don't like disinformation. Maybe some people just like being honorable and not lying to win arguments. And the documentaries are a lie.
P.S. Do your research before just believing anything a documentary tells you--it's not like it's not easily disproved. Lazy. You give atheists a bad name, and so do the three (so far) people who gave you a thumbs up.
How can you see the stars during a rainy season? Answer you CANT!

December is the rainy season in the Middle East.

What is during December, a Pagan festival called Yule.

Your move.
It's very simple.

Google all of the claimed similarities between Jesus and older mythology, then go and check out each one yourself.

Write a list.

It's undeniable.

Most of Jesus' story comes from older myths.