
  1. D

    Does it make any other atheists mad that the documentaries about the pagan origins

    of Christ are fake? I already knew that the claims that Jesus's story was borrowed from Horus and Krishna were all crap because I study mythology for fun and this was never mentioned...anywhere. So that I already knew. But I had no idea that false documentaries even claim the story came from...
  2. M

    Do pagan elements in Christianity negate the awesome gift of eternal life in

    Christ available to all who ask? I say they do not, but what say ye? Thanks. Dave, I also thought about your rosary when framing this question. Jeff O, the whole Easter shebang, for instance. Illuminator, it is ironic you think I oppose the Church by exalting Christ. And even if you were right...
  3. T

    Post Pagan Holiday Special - Dec 27,2012

    Now that the Nimrod, Beast Feast pagan holidays are over, I wish to broadcast some information that may prove valuable to you. Whether you are hearing this for the first time or whether you want someone else to hear this, I believe tonights broadcast will be useful in helping people to...
  4. C

    Antie christ pigs blood all over Money A bra ham lincoln lex ham Pagan dont

    eat Pg&e our peparonie ? Should we band money.
  5. A

    Angel Pagan grounder hits third-base bag for strange double, sparks Giants rally

    Most of the highlights from Game 1 of the World Series will probably feature Pablo Sandoval home runs. He did hit three of them Wednesday night, after all, for the San Francisco Giants. But not to be overlooked was a lucky double by Angel Pagan in the third inning that started a two-out rally...
  6. T

    Why are my fellow Christians allowing the pagan mother earth gaia earth worship

    religion indoctrination? Why is this being allowed to be taught in the schools? This is in fact a religion isn't it? Are the Christian's cowards? Why won't they fight back when the law is so clear???????? EDIT: In Genesis we're taught to "Be fruitful and multiply,replenish the earth and subdue...
  7. I

    Why can not the pagan see that Islam, and Christianity for that matter,...

    ...spread fast in pagan areas? And not through war, but by preaching. All Jesus did was preach, and those he sent out just preached. People believed them and it started to grow and grow. Same thing with Islam, just preached and it grew, even faster than Christianity. So if the pagan gods...
  8. H

    Catholics: Why do you mix pagan easter-egg hunts into the scriptural command to

    celebrate Christ's death? Like this one: We Jehovah's Witnesses keep it focused on Jesus. We believe there are other more appropriate times to eat chocolate bunnies. Where in scripture does it suggest...
  9. U

    Did the Christians "demonize" the Pagan Gods, to dissuade "Pagan" religions,

    Did the Christians "demonize" the Pagan Gods, to dissuade "Pagan" religions, and promote their own? In Pre-Christian times, nature was often personified by Gods with horns, and some characteristics of both humans and animals. Hmm...where have I seen something like that before? =P
  10. S

    Can you be a Pagan and a Christian at the same time?

    In another question on this site, someone said that if you are a Pagan, then you cannot be a Christian. I wholeheartedly disagree, especially after reading "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. He shows the Pagan roots of Christianity. For me both practices have deep spiritual meaning and it only...
  11. S

    Can you be a Pagan and a Christian at the same time?

    In another question on this site, someone said that if you are a Pagan, then you cannot be a Christian. I wholeheartedly disagree, especially after reading "The Pagan Christ" by Tom Harpur. He shows the Pagan roots of Christianity. For me both practices have deep spiritual meaning and it only...
  12. G

    I am interested in performing a pagan ritual to regain love?

    Dear friends, merry meet i would like to know if there are any rituals that i can perform to have a girl that i absolutely adore fall in love with me again. We dated for a while and we had decided to take a break because she felt that she needed to work on her self. We have remained pretty good...
  13. J

    Can Christmas be observed in the Christian and Pagan faiths equally at the same time?

    I keep wrestling with my spirituality and would like to observe both faiths.
  14. C

    Wait... Keep Christ in Christmas? I'm pretty sure it should be keep Pagan in...

    ...Christmas? you do know Christmas was a Pagan holiday and has nothing to do with Jesus... Christians just said "Jesus was born on that day" just to convert the Pagans... so I think it should be called "Pagan-mas" not Christmas... (Christmas was renamed by the Christians) (pssst... I'm...
  15. Z

    Is the figure of Christ derived from earlier pagan life-death-resurrection deities?

  16. A

    why are religions so ashamed of their pagan roots?

    and yes, i am including YOUR religion, whatever it is
  17. Cícero

    Is Jesus Christ superior to Angels, Pagan Gods/Goddesses and Witches/Witchcraft?

    Why? Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
  18. A

    Why can’t Christians accept that their Pagan ancestors were just as devout as them

    I'm well aware that my ancestors were pagans. So were the ancestors of the Israelites at one point or another. Even Abraham believed that El Elyon was simply the sovereign God over other gods. But God has proven Himself to be the only God, and we have the testimony, the witness, of His...
  19. A

    Why is it when we disagree with an atheist or pagan we have to be a christian?

    Do I look like a christian?
  20. S

    Interested in becoming pagan?

    Ok so my mom and dad (and siblings), don't know this but I have such a great respect for nature and stuff. I read a book on it. I have never felt that Islam was right for me but on the other hand I am scared both of what my family will think and also I still kind of believe in Allah but I am...