Does it annoy you when people argue more passionately about music than social


New member
Jul 26, 2010
injustice? I just went on my fb and it was full of grown men arguing about what music is s**t or not, the same men who show no interest in politics or important issues, I always find this infuriating. Like why don't you put your energy into something that actually matters, c**ts
Yes. Oh My Gosh. (pun intended) *lol*

Really, let me get this straight....some people can go on and on for _days_ about "what's dubstep" and what's not, or what's "metal" and what's not, or what's "country" and what's not...

But when it comes time to actually talk about and think about oh, the crap economy or about widespread poverty or neighbors becoming homeless or....yeah, you know the drill.

These same hair-splitters all become good little lemmings and spout the same old lines _spoon fed_ to them, usually by Fox News and/or News Corp. WTF?

And really, it's not even that I'm being judgemental--beyond a certain point any sane person has to call it like he sees it. Social justice is NOT about rioting and breaking sh=t. Nor is it about pitching a tent and just mindlessly drumming and shouting for weeks while para-military sorts of police use you as target practice and LET people run you over.

Really. The people with the right idea don't have a plan: the people with a plan have ALL the wrong ideas. The Occupy movement (at least here in the States) _Needs_ to get a clue, _and_ have a plan, _and_ also grow a pair and reject the thugs that latch on to them.

Is it too much to ask for? That those who care actually show up and also show some competence?
Obviously it matters to them. Not everyone has to care about the things that you do, you know.