
  1. A

    Lena Dunham Still Manages To Annoy Me While Discussing Being A 19-Year Old Virgin

    It’s been a real roller coaster of emotion in my nonexistent relationship with Lena Dunham, you guys. I was one of those people who got really excited about the first season of Girls and was really thrilled by her success, especially at such a young age, especially in a male-dominated industry...
  2. R

    Fan names for famous people-does it annoy you?

    Does anyone else hate it when fans of celebrities (or fictional people for that matter!) have some overwhelming desire to have a collective 'team name', like Cumberb****es, Little Monsters, Team Edward/Jacob crap? I'm a big admirer of Benedict, but I'm glad to be a fan and don't want to have a...
  3. J

    Do the sounds of the bells annoy you?

    Really? You can't hear it? It's been ringing non-stop all day. I find it very distracting. I wonder if it's a church, maybe a wedding, or perhaps a…
  4. M

    Cultures and Groups: Does PDA annoy you?

    Me: God, yes. Especially when it's overly displayed. You can get a room, yes? I was on the bus today (ugh), and this couple was slobbering all over each other right next to me in a packed bus. Why? I don't engage in PDA.
  5. I

    Does it annoy girls if you vent about your ex girlfriend to them?

    I'm a guy. I started talking to some girls that are my aquaintances. We normally don't talk on a regular basis but we are friends that talk occassionally. Anyways, I started venting about my ex after the break-up to them. They were the only friends I had that were girls. After I stopped venting...
  6. R

    Does it annoy you that WWE no longer allow blading due to complaining

    parents saying it's too much for kids? This is something that annoys me no end right now, I mean theirs a million other things than ruining the wrestling world that kids can watch, if of course they don't like them watching the whole blading (Or juicing) situation for example. I know, kids make...
  7. G

    is Sasha Sheshe TheMostHated Kitten HKG make you laugh or make you annoy?

    she stay in here make u not happy
  8. C

    Does it annoy you when people argue more passionately about music than social

    injustice? I just went on my fb and it was full of grown men arguing about what music is s**t or not, the same men who show no interest in politics or important issues, I always find this infuriating. Like why don't you put your energy into something that actually matters, c**ts
  9. T

    Does your Mother in law annoy the holy living @$%& out of you? This is a

    rant. Why do you hate yours? I met mine when i was 8 months pregnant! She had disappeared off the face of the planet but when she heard through the grapevine that she was going to be a Grandma she appeared out of nowhere. Kinda like I couldn't handle being a mother but I want to be a grandma...
  10. S

    Does it annoy anyone when someone laughs/denys what you believe?

    I've been looking through yahoo and also happened to me in the past. Where you believe in religion or aliens or just science. I don't get why people get to say that's bull****. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. I don't believe in god. I believe in the ancient alien theory. But that's...
  11. V

    Does it annoy you when people, not interested in football, only love it...

    ...when there is a scandal? How about I go the whole hog and narrow down 'people' to WOMEN. The vast majority of women I know (and please not I am speaking from personal experience, NOT generalising all women everywhere) detest football, have no interest in the finesse, skill or competitive...
  12. Y

    This annoy me but...Why do guys that are interested in me ALL wants to go to drink.?

    I like drink and having a good time with friends but seriously I like a guy that I can hang out with not just drink away. Am I giving off a wrong image? For example, the other day I was just talking to my classmate (he is alot older) anyways I mention I used to hang out with some classmates in...
  13. K

    POLL: Who was the last person to annoy you?

    UUUUUUUGH .. for me it was my mama, I hate when she trys to give me advice, like god damn woman I know how to do things!
  14. S

    does this ever annoy you?

    now i know not everyone who owns a small dog is like this. but i can remember there was this little black westie that would always go for my dogs. it would chase them and snap at them and it would sometimes bite their ears. so when this was happening the owner of the dog was just laughing at...
  15. H

    POLL: Does it annoy you when...?

    you go see an R-rated movie and theres some 8-year old with his redneck dad in front of you? It drives me crazy!
  16. J

    Does it annoy you when you see wealthy students protesting about student fees?

    They can afford to have sit ins because their parents are millionaires and the students don't need a job.
  17. M

    Hmm, your opinions on this chat? Did I annoy him or is he being touchy?

    Had a chat with my BF about what I bought whilst shopping, did I offend him? We're talking about my new dress: Me: i'd wear it to your partay but cannae come :'( partaying in yorkshire instead Him: you can wear it to my 18th Me: cool i might be a little overdressed tho its quite posh Him...
  18. M

    Do people who put "LOL" at the end of everything they say annoy you?

    When i chat with my friend of Facebook he puts "lol" at the end of everything like... "Hey, how's you" "I'm great thanks, lol" "What you been up to today" "Not a lot, lol".. Arghhh!!
  19. O

    Women who hate men: Does it annoy you that in order to complain about men you...

    ...have go on a computer...? invented by a man, on the internet invented by men whilst surrounded by things invented by men?
  20. S

    Doesn't it annoy you when Christians put quotes from the bible to answer a question?

    Aren't they being super lazy? Not understanding what even it means themselves? Are they true Christians? or are they the poser type, who don't really know if there's a god, but is praying to it any way "just incase"?