Does being emotionally attracted to women mean your a lesbian?


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Ever since I was younger I have had an emotional/ maternal attraction to women, where I imagine other women are my mum (even though I love my mum), and also like thinking about other women caring about me. I have never had any sexual thoughts or attractions towards women until one day, about two months ago i started worrying about it and testing myself. Before this I aways thought about men, and imagined kissing a lot of me, i also enjoyed the though if having a relationship with a male. I even had a crush on my male teacher for over a year. Now ever since this day i feel negative towards guys i don't know why. If i was a lesbian, i would of had sexual thoughts attractions about women, before this ONE DAY, wouldn't i? the fact that i now feel negative towards guys, seems to be as a result of the confusion i have caused myself. You know when someone tells you not to think about something, and the fuirst thing you do is think about that thing, that's what i feel that i have done to myuself. I don't want to think about women or feel this way, but the first thing i do when i see a women now is make myself have sexual thoughts, which i have NEVER done in my life before except for this one day. I enjoy having emotional thoughts/attractions about women but that's it, not sexual! Am i a lesbian? I really don't want to be!!! i hate how one day has confused me so much and made me worry! I;m 18 and have never been in a proper relationship before.
And also I still enjoy only having emotional thoughts about women, even though i have started making myself have sexual thoughts about women. Wouldn't this mean that i'm not a lesbian because i feel good thinking emotional thoughts about women in comparison to sexual thoughts (which initally i made myself have in the first place.)
If you are attracted to women sexually, then you are homosexual
If you are attracted to women romantically, then you are homoromantic

You don't have to be both.
You might be bi, or lesbian, but don't freak out:) if it is meant to happen in will:) Or you might just be curious.
Just let yourself fall for whoever... no matter what gender they are. If you love them it shouldn't have to matter. And you are only 18... so give it time:) It'll happen:)
Good luck though:)