
  1. A

    Why New York City Is The Hardest Place To Be Emotionally Healthy

    I have written more than a few times about my love affair with New York City. It’s a one-way, unrequited love, because as any New Yorker will tell you, New York City doesn’t love anyone back. The city is a rebel like that; a lover who refuses to hold your hand in public and, if it were human...
  2. Z

    How can I avoid becoming less invested emotionally with girls I meet?

    When I meet an attractive and intelligent woman who enjoys similar interests as me, we tend to get along quite well, at least considering these women often take the initiative to call me to participate in activities with no other participants. However, eventually I seem to become emotionally...
  3. J

    My dad really emotionally abuses me? and then physically when I argue back?

    (I'm writing this just after an argument with him, so some of it might be a bit hateful, and it's a little long, sorry!) He is basically an a*s. Capital A really. He's messed his life up. And it has had a turn onto mine. He used to gamble ALOT (still does), to the point where there wasn't even...
  4. Y

    How does sex emotionally change things for people?

    I just really need to know... because every guy I've had sex with(4) I've felt very emotional towards them and become attached. I didn't realize it till this year (I'm 19) just how attached I've gotten. I always been told sex is sex and that's how i saw it, pure pleasure. I was told by...
  5. L

    am i the only one who finds PDA to be emotionally triggering?

    OMG! Boy have I ever felt like I had walked in your shoes. I always felt like no one could ever love or want me. Listen, you are young. 18 is supposed to be a fun age. Since you are in college, have you thought about breaking down the perverbial "I have aspergers wall"? Does the college...
  6. T

    Voting In Elections Is Stressful - Emotionally And Physiologically

    "Emotions can affect biological processes, which in turn can influence our decision-making processes," explains Dr. Israel Waismel-Manor of the University of Haifa's School of Political Science Now there is proof: Voting in elections is stressful, even to a point that it causes hormonal changes...
  7. C

    Does being emotionally attracted to women mean your a lesbian?

    Ever since I was younger I have had an emotional/ maternal attraction to women, where I imagine other women are my mum (even though I love my mum), and also like thinking about other women caring about me. I have never had any sexual thoughts or attractions towards women until one day, about two...
  8. V

    Do emotionally abusive people change in new relationships?

    My ex was emotionally abusive by not speaking to me (sulking) or ignoring me completely when I talked to him or blowing up about the littlest things. It took me a long time to see something wasn't right and I finally left. I'm really sad cause I loved him but realize people shouldn't be mean to...
  9. A

    Is religion for the intellectually lazy or the emotionally weak?

    The intellectually lazy do not bother to search for answers and the emotionally weak give into religion for the sake of running on pure emotions such as desperation.
  10. A

    (women over 30) discuss the health of woman physically and emotionally ?

    I am 20 yr old male looking to find out about the wonders of the female. if your a female over the age of 30 and willing to help me out please, add me on yahoo messenger or email me: [email protected]
  11. Z

    Know an anime or manga where the main character gets hurt?(not emotionally)?

    I need animes or manga where main characters get the crap beaten out of them. Blood/Beat-up/ stabbed/ etc =.= I am tired of watching animes and they get out of danger as if nothing. It makes me get bored quick -.- And not able to watch anything until the end. I just need some excitement not...
  12. B

    Do people really have to be emotionally ready for SEX?!?

    I'm 17, a guy, and a virgin. I can understand people being too young for sex because they can't handle the concequenses or religion, or beliefs, watever! but the excuse that you have to be "emotionally" ready just doesn't make sense. It seems you just have to be phyisically able and willing...
  13. S

    What church songs really move you emotionally?

    I'm a senior in high school and am about to graduate on friday. So many things have been going on lately with friends and my now ex-boyfriend and i feel like i need god more than ever. my ex-boyfriend is an atheist and this girl i just recently became very good friends with is also an atheist...
  14. Z

    Disruptive neighbors complaint to HOA. What can I do after complaining emotionally?

    I have a neighbor that has caused all types of problems. We keep to ourselves, and only notice problems when they "hit the fan" because we work all day. About a year ago, a lady moved into a home with her 5 kids. We thought it was a beautiful family at first, but later we would learn more...
  15. S

    Do you think theistic religions are for emotionally weak and overly sensitive...

    ...people? :)? I do :)
  16. S

    To gays & lez: what emotionally do you like about the same sex romanticaly

    that the opposite sex doesn't have? I'm actually straight, but for me, I don't like all girls, I like specifically feminine girls. And what I like emotionally about them, that guys tend to not have, is how feminine they naturally act or think about certain things. Even when a guy is feminine...