does anyone have any old deleted twilight fanfiction stories?

Master of the Universe II

Does anyone have the full COMPLETED version of Master of the Universe II? I have the incomplete version that's through chapter 26, but I'm looking for the completed version with all of the chapters and the epilogue. If anyone has it please please email it to me at [email protected]

hi i was wondering if anybody could help me out im looking for a few stories and having no luck finding them so if anybody has them could you please send them to me my email address is
a.stoker at live dot ca
the stories are:

just got lucky

Coming Through the Rye

the billlionaire bum

thanks so much to anybody who can help x x
If anyone has the story My Greatest Masterpiece by luvrofink could they please,please email it to me at [email protected]? It was taken off of fanfiction still incomplete, but I really, really wanna read it.


Stories That I Have to Trade:
The Office
The University of Edward Masen
Welcome to Drama Academy by
Boycotts and Barflies
Clipped Wings and Inked Armor
Emancipation Proclamation

please can i have clipped wings and inked armour, i can trade for poughkeepsie?


hey can you email Poughkeepsie to imani(dot)skyes(at)gmail(dot)com
I would greatly appreciate it!
Looking for MOTU 2 if anyone has it.

Oh and P.S. I have a lot of stories just sitting around on my computer that I'm willing to share... If I got it that is.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could send Poughkeepsie to imani(dot)skyes(at)gmail(dot)com


Does anyone have I Love LA by feathern_mmm or Rebel Without a Cause by Miss Alex? I would be so grateful if you could email them to me at aced334(at)aim(dot)com

Thanks you guys!
desperate for Just This Once by just_write. Anyone out there have it in their arsenal? My email is conversationpiece09(at)gmail(dot)com.

I have The Office with outtakes and MOTU2 to trade. Thanks!!
Hey Guys,
I am looking for any fic's by :
completerandomness12 - Emotional Warfare, Hello Again ...

Also Lapped Traffic


Can someone help me find the Twilight Fanfiction Complete Database (google docs) -- it had HUNDREDS of stories--I use to have the link!!
Hey could someone please tell me how I can find a few of these fics?

The Office
Coming Through The Rye
Relative Wind

There are more, I had a lot saved but somehow they were erased and I'm trying to figure out which other ones I had.

my email is

dezycanterbury gmail (dot) com

Hey could someone please tell me how I can find a few of these fics?

The Office
Coming Through The Rye
Relative Wind

There are more, I had a lot saved but somehow they were erased and I'm trying to figure out which other ones I had.

my email is

dezycanterbury gmail (dot) com


Other stories:

The Lost Boys
Devil's Angel by ObsessingOverEdward
The Gentleman from Washington State by Betty Smith
Shadows by Pears13
Other stories:

The Lost Boys
Devil's Angel by ObsessingOverEdward
The Gentleman from Washington State by Betty Smith
Shadows by Pears13

Sorry, I don't have "The Lost Boys" but I just sent on your email the other stories.


I'm desperately looking for the following fanfics for ages. With no luck yet.

"Misery" by Dweller on the Threshold,
"Slave to the darkness" by EighteenCandles,
"Vampire & A Child" by Kellan's-Girl-96,
"Devil's Bride" By tabster20,
"Amongst the Ruins" by Saewood Tice

If you have a copy of any of these, please, please email it to me at mnbalki(at)gmail(dot)com. I would be eternally greatful!
Pulled Fanfic- If u have them plz send

If you have the fanfics-

Withered Rose - Isabel2324
I Love College - Clpsuperstar

please send them to( y o y o 1 9 0 7 6 7 (at) y a h o o . c o m ) thanks
does anyone here knows the title of this fic??.... I think it's around 2009 or 2010

Edward fell off a cliff and into the ocean while out hiking with Emmett. His body was never found and Bella never accepted that he was dead. A year later, Bella returns to the town near the spot where Edward fell from the cliff and almost immediately runs into Edward at a local store. Edward goes by a different name as Elliott/Elliot and doesn't recognize Bella. He is engaged to the Tanya (I think), the store owner's daughter. The store owner and Tanya seem to hate Bella immediately. Part of the story is told from Edward's point of view. He doesn't remember anything prior to the previous summer when he had a "swimming accident." After his fall from the cliff, Edward was found floating in the ocean by Esme. Esme had lost her son (also Tanya's fiancee) when he had drown the previous summer. Edward looks almost exactly like Esme's son, so when he doesn't remember who he is, she and the whole town pretend he is Esme's son. Bella triggers the return of Edward's memory. Tanya's mother tries to attack Bella because she doesn't want her daughter to lose another fiancee. In the last chaptre or epilogue, Edward and Bella are married and Esme is at the wedding as his mother because Edward had lost his real mother when he was a child.

When I clicked to download the files, it said that the user hosting these files have ran out of it won't let me download, please help. Could you please please give me another link to it? My e-mail is ms.holly.hale(at)gmail(com)

Fliberty - I sent you an invitation to my cloud storage where all of these are in pdf and maybe even in mobi format. Just let me know if there is anything else that you are looking for . ..
Hi. Does anyone happen to have copies of fanfiction by wtvoc? I'm specifically looking for Saturday School though.

Also, there's a fanfic out there that is similar in plot to rmcrms' The Perfect Wife, but I can't remember what it's called. If anyone could refresh my memory, I'd greatly appreciate it.

my email is: victoria_239(at)yahoo(dot)com
