Does anyone have a hair moisturiser recipe for mixed race hair?


New member
Feb 3, 2009
My 2 year old son is mixed race, and I'm trying to grow his hair... But I'm having difficulty.

My partner's family are from the Caribbean, and my son is the first mixed race relative of theirs, so they don't seem to have much advice with it comes to products etc.

I've done so much research and tried so many products aimed at his hair type but they're all either too drying or too heavy. So I'm looking into making my own. I already own a spray bottle that I fill with water to keep his hair as moist as I can during the day. What can I mix with the water to make a homemade spray/leave-in conditioner? Ideally not a product, I want to try something natural like an oil or something?
Don't over shampoo
Put olive oil in his hair and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing out and lightly shampooing and conditioning. Add some honey to the conditioner to lock in some of the 'good stuff'.

make sure it is trimmed every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends. Besides Olive oil, you can use egg whites, mayo and even milk! Sounds weird but its true. I find Olive oil easiest and most convenient though. Plus milk has a straightening effect but not overly.

I'd stop wetting his hair through the day, wet hair is fragile hair! and if it breaks often, it will make it brittle and damaged. Only pat his head dry, don't rub it with a towel and if you comb it while wet, use a large toothed comb.

I'd just put a light spray of olive oil in his hair maybe every morning. Not so much to make it oily though IF you do not want to use a leave in conditioner because that is best. and only wash his hair every second day.

I do this on my hair. I'm not mixed race but my hair is moisturised and not dry or brittle so that counts for something I suppose haha
