I had a dream that my head/hair kept being caught on fire?


May 28, 2008
More like a nightmare. I just woke up from it and I'm still terrified. :( In the dream it's like my head would start getting hot and so would my hair. It would always get really hot but then someone, like a guardian angel almost, would tell me to dunk my head into the river and all of the time it would feel better. But then when I got out my head and hair would continue to get hot so into the river I would go. At one point in the dream my hair caught fire. And I had to go back into the river. I told my mom about it and uhm One Direction for some reason haha. And they didn't take it seriously and told me to grab this Holy Water spray and keep spraying it on the hot spot on my head. It didn't work. So I had to go back in the river. What does this all mean?? Please I'm really terrified and I'm scared because my head does feel hot. :( I can't go back to sleep, I'm so scared. :/