Do you think we should tar and feather IRS agents when they start collecting...

You really have no clue of reality, do you?
Maybe still hope for you as the poster boy for The Uninformed American Voter.
Nope, the accountant or payroll clerk takes those taxes out of your check. I have never had an IRS agent come in to my place of employment and take his taxes.

The founders would be considered terrorists today, they would fight our government endlessly.
My sister is an IRS agent. She serves her country and her president, and it doesn't matter what party that president belongs to. She often gets disgruntled people saying they will write their congressman. Her response is "That is appropriate, congress makes the law." I might add that that she never gets outrage from middle class people, it is always from those making well over $250,000 a year. And it is usually because one of their many deductions is not allowed.

IRS agents do not go our and collect taxes. Law abiding Americans file and pay their taxes. Guess you aren't old enough to actually file and pay taxes.
How will you differentiate on your FICA?

Oh... You are unemployed collecting a check.. I get it.
The federal government has no authority under the Constitution to regulate insurance. Insurance is a state regulated industry. That's why the oft-mentioned car insurance mandate is a STATE law, not federal. There is no interstate trade in the insurance industry, so the commerce clause does not apply.

The Obamacare health insurance mandate will be DOA in the Supreme Court for this reason.

The Obamacare fine is the enforcement clause of the mandate. It will be tossed out with the mandate.
I am against Obama Care. It will be repealed but you never get any thing done from killing the messenger. You kill the message. They will just be trying to do their job. So that is the message and they are the messengers.