Do you think that Freddie Mercury would agree with what Brian May and Roger

i can only assume you're talking about brian may and roger taylor continuing to perform as queen. if freddie mercury were still around i'm sure this would not be a problem
I am a huge and very knowledgeable Queen fan from way back when they just began. John Deacon was always the family man and was and still is happily married. He retired after Freddie died to be with his wife and family. You need to remember that Brian May and Roger Taylor are keeping Queen alive for the younger generation and that they keep Queen's archives and online presence very up to date. Freddie would be grateful. Freddie was not the leader of the band, either, FYI. They were equals and dealt very democratically and diplomatically with Queen's business affairs. He would have no objections and be thankful that they are doing such a good job of keeping Queen remembered with tribute bands and even a full scale musical that has been playing in the UK for some time. A movie is due out, too, about Queen.